Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday May 27, 2023
Episode 150 - Shavuot Special - Sage Advice for Talk Show Lawyers
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 28:42
"Your Way Too" by Dave Gunders - 45:04
Spencer Heywood - Star Denver Nugget knows Trump is racist - 51:48
Craig makes his radio case with sound - 01:13:29
What Makes Denver Mayoral Candidates laugh - 02:34:32
Shavuot is the Jewish holiday commemorating receipt of the Law at Mt. Sinai. America’s Rule of Law is hanging by a thread now. MAGA’s made it happen and must be stopped. Responsible lawyers with broadcasting microphones should join in mitigating this MAGA threat.
Authoritarianism has been seen before and AM radio utilized to propagandize for non-democratic nationalistic movements. American radio has gone rabidly right-wing and focus here is on Colorado and influential local hosts who might help save America. Or not. https://coloradosun.com/2023/05/23/am-radio-trump-opinion-silverman/
At this Memorial Day weekend, America is at an inflection point. Indictments must be brought, and soon, against Trump for his many crimes. These righteous prosecutions will be ripped by irresponsible people – some of whom have radio megaphones. That is dangerous.
Perhaps #DenverTrumpRadio hosts Dan Caplis and George Brauchler will hit their own Trump tipping points. Maybe they just need to better understand cults, hate-groups, MAGA and QAnon. Perchance principles will exceed profits and partisanship as the Trump misbehavior becomes more indefensible.
Listen here as a hapless Caplis caller could not quickly respond for examples of racism on the right. We suggest the banning of Amanda Gorman poems in FL, Judge Curiel’s dressing down; Charlottesville, Trump’s dinner with Fuentes and Ye, Proud Boys - Stand Back and Stand By, etc.
Helpful QAnon identification suggestions are provided to George Brauchler so he can better defend against Trump-worshiping callers, texters and trollers. Radio has huge reach and on-air lawyers will be consulted when more Trump indictments start flying.
The latest in the Boebert family dysfunction sound is played so people can understand the danger of giving big guns and big power to this poor excuse for a U.S. Congresswoman. Kudos to former Rep. Bob Beauprez calling out Matt Schlapp and MAGA-CPAC for financial improprieties.
Episode 150, Memorial Day, and Shavuot leads to joyous introspection. Troubadour Dave Gunders has been there every step of the way. We get a report on the Caribbean wedding of Sarah and Nick. It was like a beautiful dream. "Your Way Too" is a superb Gunders composition celebrating the spirit of our show.
Show is grateful to have had lots of exciting Nuggets coverage for the last three years. As Denver gets ready to win its first NBA title, we remember our great interview with one of the all-time greatest Denver stars ever – the one and only Spencer Haywood. We’ve got the audio highlights.
Show is further grateful to be the place where Denver mayoral candidates have come to compete. And have fun. We had laughs on two separate shows with the Denver Mayor run-off candidates Kelly Brough and Mike Johnston. Hear what makes them laugh. This is a fun show.

Saturday May 20, 2023
Episode 149 - Susie Wargin
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Rundown -
Susie Wargin - 05:50
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:31:04
"Light Of The Morning" by Dave Gunders - 01:32:53
"Whatever the Future May Bring" by Dave Gunders - 01:37:32
"Alexa's Lullaby" by Dave Gunders - 01:41:48
Multi-talented broadcaster Susie Wargin explains how a person can maintain several exciting jobs at once. A fabulous mother of two, devoted wife, real estate hall of famer, and well-known sports and music broadcaster, Susie Wargin explains her trade secrets. https://susiewargin.com/
Find out why Susie has become the spokesperson for so many local merchants. She’s got enthusiasm, energy and credibility. For better part of a decade, Susie Wargin got up super-early to sports anchor the popular morning news shows on @9News.
Learn about Susie Wargin’s binge-worthy new podcast, Cut, Traded, Fired, Retired. Her show features prominent athletes adjusting to their new lives and the trauma of glorious careers ending. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cut-traded-fired-retired/id1641536000
Susie Wargin scores interviews with the biggest names in Denver sports – Hall of Famers, Ring of Famers, Super Bowl winners (and losers) and many who have reinvented themselves in retirement. The results are conversations full of fascinating stories as well as inspiration on how to keep moving forward.
The Denver Broncos are the most important team in Colorado history. Susie has been there as a hippie chick fan in Broomfield and now, as part of the @850KOA radio broadcast team. Find out what it is like to be a female trailblazer in a male dominated sports broadcasting field.
Colorado’s broadcasting scene is changing with the possible demise of A.M. radio. The Nuggets seem ready to win the West and move on to the NBA Finals. We discuss the influence of artificial intelligence on sports and broadcasting.
Troubadour Dave Gunders has the week off to attend the out-of-country destination wedding of his eldest daughter Sarah -- so we play 3 of his songs best suited for a bride about to embark on matrimony, and a wonderful new life. Best of luck to Nick, the groom, and Sarah, the bride (and daughter of our Troubadour).

Saturday May 13, 2023
Episode 148 - Kelly Brough is Close to Being Denver Mayor
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Rundown -
Kelly Brough - 12:50
Chris Hansen - 41:47
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:08:29
"Nothing the Wind Can't Blow" by Dave Gunders - 01:27:52
Kelly Brough returns for the first time since Episode 132, when she was trying to secure a spot in the Denver mayoral run-off. First goal achieved, the former head of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce returns to compete for the run-off win three weeks away.
She tells us about her interactions historically, and now, with her opponent, former Colorado state Senator Mike Johnston. Brough explains why she’s bothered by the history of the Skull and Bones, a secret society club at Yale, and Johnston’s membership therein.
Kelly Brough remains upbeat about her chances to win. She explains her competitive, people-focused, human nature. She’s thrilled by the endorsements of Wilma and Wellington Webb and explains why. We talk about Colorado’s immigration crisis and Denver’s response.
We also talk about sports and why she won’t let Broncos leave. Kelly Brough has a passion for basketball and she’s all in for Denver’s Nuggets. Big important labor unions are all in for Kelly Brough and she brags on that. She’s got thumbs up from Chris Hansen too.
State Senator Hansen, a former mayoral rival, returns to tout Kelly Brough for Denver mayor. We take time to dissect Trump’s Town Hall debacle on CNN and the threat this Republican represents. Senator Hansen explains his legislative accomplishments on tax relief, guns, and climate in Colorado’s legislative session just ended.
Extended good discussion on the role billionaires played in Denver’s election and how it is not possible to limit soft money contributions since Citizens United decided by disastrously wrong Supreme Court. Billionaire Coloradan John Malone’s role in changing CNN, along with his hire of Chris Licht and new star(?) Kaitlan Collins.
Troubadour Dave Gunders, aka Father of the Bride, gives us a gift of his song backed-up by bride-to-be Sarah. Nothing the Wind Can’t Blow is a perfect tribute song for Kelly Brough, and America, as challenges aplenty are presented. Be like Nikola Jokic. Stand tall and strong.
Segment features passion for democracy and defeating Trump. The despicable attack by Trump on sex abuse victim E. Jean Carroll is reviewed and harshly critiqued. So are other horrible things said during CNN’s Trump Town Hall. Love is showered on our Denver Nuggets.

Saturday May 06, 2023
Episode 147 - Mario Nicolais and analysis of the brutal murder of Alexa Bartell
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
Rundown -
Craig reads Probable Cause Affidavit - 03:26
Mario Nicolais in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 25:36
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:55:36
"Too Many Drivers" by Dave Gunders - 02:18:06
Mario Nicolais, Colorado Sun columnist and attorney colleague of host, explains his vehement reaction against the three eighteen year olds arrested and charged with the murder of Alexa Bartell. She was killed April 19, 2023 when a huge landscaping “river rock” was thrown from a passing pick-up through her windshield.
Nicolais wrote: Alexa Bartell died a needless and terrible death when a landscaping rock thrown by three 18-year-old men crashed through her windshield and struck her in the head. Nicolais on first weekend following arrests and reports of them taking photo:
The men accused of killing her had no regard for her life — or apparently most other human life — and should spend the rest of theirs in prison.
But can Nicolais’ position soften? And should it? What is the proper penalty? What will happen next in this tragic case? Learn about evidence as host reads most of the probable cause affidavit so you will know how the defendants identified and what they told Jeffco homicide investigators.
Host was in Jeffco Ctrm 520 for arraignment of Nicholas “Mitch” Karol-Chik, Joseph “Joe” Koenig and Zachary “Zach” Kwak, all 18, charged with first degree murder of Bartell, age 20. For attacking other innocent passing cars in many other vehicles that night, the trio face additional counts of assault and attempted assault.
To refresh ourselves from such sad stories of lives ruined, we discuss sports and agree that Nikola Jokic and the Nuggets are special. An NBA championship is anticipated. Nicolais likes sports and writes about them frequently, showing off here his knowledge of the Joker.
Next discussed is the Denver mayor’s race. Nicolais was a big backer of Leslie Herod. He explains here how she got screwed for lack of big outside money and for being a black female. Now, Nicolais is backing former state senator Mike Johnston for the big job of Denver Mayor.
We discuss the legal walls closing in on Trump. Carroll v Trump for the Bergdorf rape is the civil case of century and is well dissected here. Host predicts a big plaintiff’s verdict. Jack Smith ready to prove Trump stole secret docs and why. Follow the (Saudi) money. Follow the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers convictions for seditious conspiracy.
Troubadour Dave Gunders brings his special song and delightful sister Joan Gunders this episode. Siblings discuss happy occasions and we learn more about our Troubadour. Alas, the sad Bartell murder brings to mind the lament of this brilliant Gunders’ blues song titled, Too Many Drivers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nA0NAXa39o

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Episode 146 - Ken Toltz - Our Colorado Man in Israel
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Rundown -
Ken Toltz - 28:33
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:57:56
"Set the Tone" by Dave Gunders - 02:09:18
Current events are coming at us fast and furious. VP Pence testified. So did E Jean Carroll in the civil case of the century. Trump will soon be found a rapist by a New York jury. Verdict will set the tone for prosecutions to come. Learn about E Jean from entertaining portions of her podcast.
Tucker Carlson was fired this week by Fox News. Dan Caplis suggested Carlson participate in a debate format show like the highly successful and memorable Caplis and Silverman run for near decade on Denver’s 630KHOW. Other parts of Caplis analysis reviewed. And taken to task.
Host’s feelings about Fox News set forth this week in his Colorado Sun column. Rupert Murdoch is evil. Tucker Carlson is an awful person and people who prop him up are suspect. And dangerous. https://coloradosun.com/2023/04/25/fox-news-carlson-opinion-silverman/
Wonder what is going on in Israel as the Jewish State celebrates her 75th birthday? Ken Toltz, our man in Israel, returns to tell us about Bibi Netanyahu, his three active criminal cases, and the many problems Bibi’s corruption has caused.
Ken Toltz is actively participating in pro-democracy rallies throughout Israel. He knows politics and democratic movements. This is the real deal. Listen to how Toltz feels joining his fellow Israelis taking to the streets. The tone is one of optimism.
Find out Ken Toltz’s remarkable history in prior episodes 37, 48 and 95, but this show focuses on current events and what happens next. Will there be civil war in Israel? How big a threat is Iran really? What about Israeli gun policies? Do police fight or shoot citizens?
The state of Israeli civil rights is well known to our man in Israel. Ken Toltz is a wise political pundit who has learned well his new country, and various mediums through which to express himself. https://kentoltz.medium.com/bio-857f0d5aeb16
Ken Toltz talks about the influence of Fox News and right wing religion in Israel. Listen to Toltz wisdom about Russia v. Ukraine gleaned from his April 2023 Passover seder with famous former Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Pinchas Goldschmidt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinchas_Goldschmidt
Ken Toltz knows Denver, Colorado well and its mayoral finalist candidates. While he respects Mike Johnston, Toltz prefers Kelly Brough who he considers an excellent leader, and Toltz labels a champion CONVENER. Find out what that means.
Troubadour Dave Gunders is brilliant as usual, this time from Jazz Fest in New Orleans. His song, Set the Tone, talks about handling life’s vicissitudes and the need to seize every day. Episode 146 takes on the big issues of our day. Understand Israel and the USA better by listening.

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Episode 145 - Mike Johnston is close to becoming Denver mayor
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Rundown -
Sam Silverman's history with Steiny of Full Send - 05:12
Mike Johnston - 24:16
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:09:33
"Every Space" by Dave Gunders - 01:30:21
Mike Johnston was spectacular a few months ago in Episode 134
Former Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston returns triumphantly following first round win in the Denver mayoral election. We plow different ground than Episode 134. Learn about Johnston’s personal relationship with remaining opponent, Kelly Brough.
Johnston grew up in Vail and we find out more about his influential father. Never one to brag about his Ivy League education, Senator Johnston acknowledges his participation in many extra-curriculars while at Yale. Listen to his answer when asked about Skull and Bones.
Find out about some of the billionaires who’ve impacted Mike Johnston’s life. Tech titans may benefit Denver as a destination city in a Johnson administration with pro-tech policies and adaptations. Space in Denver is at a premium and candidate talks land use.
Mike Johnston was thrilled to get endorsement of former Denver Mayor Federico Pena, and explains why. Also discussed are the big endorsements received from Morgan Carroll on Episode 143, and trailblazing Colorado legislative leaders Terrance Carroll and Peter Groff.
The DIA Great Hall construction fiasco is discussed. So are the Colorado Rockies need for energized ownership. Johnston makes a bold pledge to personally stop the Broncos from ever leaving Denver. Johnston is an education specialist and the crisis at DPS and East High are topics too.
Senator Johnston recognizes Denver could be a critical refuge as America sorts out its cultural and political differences. MAGA mayhem must be considered. Donald Trump sat for interviews this mid-April with Tucker Carlson from Fox News and with Colorado’s own Aaron Steinberg from the Full Send podcast.
Aaron Steinberg, aka Steiny, has achieved remarkable success as a podcaster with NELK Boys who are affiliated with Dana White and UFC. Sam Silverman, age 20, has witnessed Aaron’s meteoric rise and talks about it, including Steiny's bullying by Andrew Tate.
Troubadour Dave Gunders gives invaluable advice about not watching Tucker Carlson but what can be done when he hosts newsworthy guests like Trump, RFK Jr, and Elon Musk? We’ve got the sound, and examine the importance. Truth GPT, AI via Elon sounds horrible. But Gunders’ song, Every Space, is wonderful and timely.

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Episode 144 - Coach Steve Finesilver
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 10:54
"Eddie Don't Quit" by Dave Gunders - 25:37
Steve Finesilver - 32:13
For many decades, the surname Finesilver has been famous throughout Colorado. Judge Sherman Finesilver was an esteemed federal judge, and before that a popular judge in Denver County and District courts. In the 1940s, Sherm Finesilver was a star football center at North High, and then CU. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/28409079/sherman-glen-finesilver
Steve followed in his Dad’s footsteps, starring in football, wrestling and shot-putting at Denver’s George Washington High School where he and host graduated in 1974. Fast friends since fourth grade, learn how guest Finesilver and host experienced careers in education and law respectively. Small college varsity athletics helped form their character.
Coach Steve Finesilver worked hard and well at Montbello HS in the 1980s, and next spent many successful decades coaching the football and wrestling teams at George. He’s also been a passionate and dedicated fitness and science teacher who has mentored thousands of Denver high schoolers. Now, he’s ready to tell all about Denver educational deficiencies and how to fix them.
Steve Finesilver’s book is entitled Hard Knocks & Dirty Socks, Through the Eyes of Coach. In his book, Coach Finesilver peels back the curtain and reveals an educational product lacking in Denver. Hear his harsh condemnations, and constructive calls to action, designed to remedy public school disasters, like the one that exists at Denver Public Schools. https://www.amazon.com/Hard-Knocks-Dirty-Socks-Through/dp/1954077068/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1681523615&sr=8-1
Recent shooting horrors at East High are discussed. The 1971 GW school riot also gets reviewed. Finesilver reveals the dangers of modern schools and the under-reporting of safety violations. Gone are the days when teachers were treated as professionals and entrusted with the authority, training and backing to do their jobs properly.
Good education starts with good parents and the Finesilver family is renowned for that. We talk about Steve’s mom and dad, and his crush on Nancy Silverman, the host’s younger sister. It all ended in humorous calamity as you will hear. The experience made everybody stronger, especially Steve Finesilver who then hit the gym.
Ahead of his time when it came to disciplined training and weight-lifting, Steve Finesilver grew his body through hard training and became massively strong. That made Coach Finesilver an ideal instructor in football and wrestling, as proved not just by scores of champion DPS athletes, but by his (and Brenda’s) 7 amazing kids. https://www.win-magazine.com/2018/12/21/finesilvers-are-a-gem-of-a-family/
The Finesilver boys are wrestling legends. They’ve won countless Colorado championships and both sets of twins wrestled collegiately for Duke. Matt Finesilver took advantage of one more eligibility year to just kick ass as a heavyweight for Michigan. Watch this. https://twitter.com/umichwrestling/status/1632088661339815936
Steve Finesilver is still working to help and motivate kids. His book and call to action is his effort to reform education. Knowing Coach, he won’t quit. That’s the theme of the song by Show Troubadour Dave Gunders titled, Eddie Don’t Quit, about a determined high schooler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJJmE1aHERs
Listen at the outset of the show to a good discussion of outrageous new abortion restrictions headed for review by the US Supreme Court, featuring corrupt Justice Clarence Thomas. Lively discussion ensues over what sports are real and which ones are least athletic. There is locker room flavor and jock smell to the entire show. Enjoy.

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Episode 143 - Morgan Carroll - Colorado Political Mastermind
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Rundown -
Morgan Carroll in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 09:48
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:40:54
"Place In The Sun" by Dave Gunders - 02:06:45
Morgan Carroll, former president and majority leader of the Colorado state Senate, moved mountains during her six super-successful years as Colorado State Democratic Chair and oversaw Democratic domination of Colorado politics. This is her exit interview and she discusses everything.
Current events discussed include the Nashville church school shooting, the expelling of the Tennessee Two, and the Trump Texas judge outlawing medical abortion drugs women have used safely for decades. Carroll is a keen analyst and master of Colorado politics.
Morgan Carroll is outspoken in her demands that women retain their right to bodily autonomy. Hear her heartfelt reaction to Dobbs overturning Roe v Wade. Carroll knows Colorado, including the Western Slope and she was part of almost beating Boebert.
An accomplished attorney, Morgan Carroll discusses the need NOW for Rule of Law holding Trump and his cronies accountable under the law. The NYC prosecution and arrest of USA’s 45th president are reviewed. So are upcoming court cases.
Listen to Episode 50 to hear Carroll’s remarkable background. As a girl, she traveled with her mother and fought to free Soviet Jews stuck behind the Iron Curtain. Now, Morgan Carrol discusses the importance of fighting Russian attempts to destroy Ukraine. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-50-morgan-carroll/id1522579679?i=1000526954056
Senator Carroll is outspoken in her support for President Joe Biden and she describes their personal encounters. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi is another impressive Dem leader Morgan Carroll knows and describes. The wise old Biden and Pelosi of handling Trump gets discussed.
Toward the end of the interview, the Denver mayor’s race is analyzed. Run-off will be contested between prior show guests Kelly Brough (Ep. 134) and former Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston (Ep. 136). Morgan Carroll comes out strongly in favor of her former colleague, Johnston, and she explains why.
Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers with fantastic discussion of disturbing current events, including the school shootings and civil rights. Gunders has a song addressing the Tennessee legislators and generational change. Gunders’ song, Place in the Sun, was written after the Parkland, FL shooting, and is hopeful.

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Episode 142 - Terrance Roberts wants to be Denver Mayor - TRUMP INDICTED!
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Rundown -
Terrance Roberts - 07:59
Dedication to Juniper Eddy Kay - 01:53:05
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:56:59
"Talking In Tongues" by Dave Gunders - 02:21:08
Terrance Roberts talks about everything, including Donald Trump in this provocative episode. Roberts knows the state court system through many criminal justice encounters as the defendant. Now, Roberts, the reformed revolutionary, wants to be mayor of his native Denver.
Show starts with a pointed monologue intro on the meaning of the Trump indictment and the ominous disappointment felt when hearing Republican leaders with microphones take the side of Trump against any and all prosecutions. Sad shock expressed at the willingness of Caplis, Brauchler to countenance Trump after his J6 pledge at Waco, his dinner with Nazis, and his bat to head of DA Bragg.
Terrance Roberts loved his native Holly neighborhood of Denver so much, he was willing to die for his hood. And his gang. Roberts (Showbizz) was a major Denver gang member, who rightfully spent a decade in prison, and then reformed. Listen to that fascinating journey, and get a taste of life behind bars.
Host explains his role in trying to solve and prosecute gang homicides, including his response on A Homicide Duty to the 1988 murder of teen Cameron Smith for wearing a red hat as he rode his bike in northeast Denver. Roberts knew the story and the legend, but got educated on things known to the former top prosecutor in Denver. https://www.westword.com/news/the-original-gangster-rap-5054708
While incarcerated, Roberts exercised his body and mind, and then dedicated himself to helping others with his racial justice, and anti-gang message and organization. When the Holly shopping center burned down in 2008, Terrance Roberts stepped in with peaceful solutions, and obvious leadership skills. Along the way, Terrance Roberts’ dream of positivity at the Holly went up in gunsmoke.
Terrance Roberts got charged with the shooting of another member of the gang with which he previously affiliated. Fearing for his life, Terrance Roberts went and got his gun, and shot a man numerous times at a public event. Roberts was arrested and charged with Attempted First Degree Murder by the Denver DA’s Office. It is the subject of the hit book and movie titled, The Holly. https://thehollyfilm.com/
Terrance Roberts testified at his attempted murder trial, and experienced skillful cross-examination by Denver Chief Deputy DA Henry Cooper. The trial was full of dramatic twists and turns. Along the way, Roberts publicly vented against elected Denver DA Mitch Morrissey for treating him too harshly. When compared to Trump’s castigations of NY prosecutor Bragg, Roberts ably defends himself.
Listen to how Terrance Roberts became a Denver racial justice protester and a community leader. In wake of Geroge Floyd murder, Terrance Roberts helped lead racial justice groups that were infiltrated by FBI informant, Mickey, as described in Alphabet Boys podcast (our Episode 138). Listen to Terrance Roberts describe his attitude towards Mickey and Alphabet Boys.
Terrance Roberts brings hard-earned, fascinating, and provocative perspectives to this wide open Denver mayor’s race. He knows the streets of northeast Denver, and the impact of culture and poverty. Terrance Roberts demonstrates that he has an inquisitive mind, sharp intellect, and a desire to help people. Roberts now gets recognized on American streets because of the success of The Holly movie, which is terrific entertainment. So is Roberts on this podcast.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders rocks and rolls the end of the show with his lively conversation, and outstanding song titled, "Talking in Tongues." The origin of the song is discussed along with the legal travails of now indicted Donald Trump in his native NYC. Perfect place for prosecuting the Big Apple’s homegrown monster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-8WoYM9Pk
Trump gave green light for violence to his followers, by singing an anthem with the J6 prisoners, promising them exonerations, and dining at Mar-a-Lago with neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, and Kanye West. Despite this authoritarian dinner, and the bat to Bragg’s head picture Trump posted, the GOP and R/W pundits stay with the defeated former president who’ll be arraigned on Tuesday, the same day Denver votes for Mayor. What a consequential Tuesday upcoming.
What a country, city, and state. What a world, what a life, what a day. The April Fools edition of The Craig Silverman Show is no joke. Terrance Roberts is a serious candidate for Denver mayor. MAGA might be funny (president pokes porn star) if it was not so serious. Enjoy this show.

Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Every Little Problem" with Dave Gunders - 22:58
Barry Levine - 28:47
It’s all happening in NYC where the show host this week went to see Trump’s self-promised arrest, but since it did not happen, three great Broadway shows were seen in two days. Hear positive reviews of Parade, Leopoldstadt, and Beautiful Noise.
Barry Levine is an experienced New Yorker, accomplished American journalist, author, and media executive. Levine is best known for his work as an investigative reporter and editor, in the area of politics, government and entertainment, working for many years at the National Enquirer.
Levine and the Enquirer were nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for their story exposing the love child of former Dem VP nominee, John Edwards. The subsequent campaign fraud prosecution of Senator Edwards bears considerable resemblance to what Trump may also be facing. E. Jean Carroll v Trump court case is also discussed.
Barry Levine authored (in 2019) All the President’s Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator. Back in the day, Levine and other reporters followed Trump’s Aspen affairs. Barry knows Donald Trump’s NY secrets and Trump’s fantasy of being Hugh Hefner. Levine has interviewed scores of females Trump has victimized.
Hear about Barry Levine’s powerful interview with Stormy Daniels and what she’s like in person, and with her clothes on. Stormy was an adult porn star, but she has better character than America’s former president. Stormy has the gumption and experience to assign, based on anatomy, the nickname Tiny to Trump.
Listen and learn how Fred Trump sent women to his son Donald’s military school to impress his son and other cadets. We discuss life and death of first wife Ivana who claimed she was raped by her husband, the man who also enjoyed reading Hitler speeches in the bedroom.
No holds are barred as Levine dissects the way Trump has consistently preyed on women, including alongside Jeffrey Epstein. Levine has also written The Spider: Inside the Criminal Web of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (Episode 74). Birds of a feather flock together. And worse.
Show opening features Troubadour Dave Gunders and host discussing latest mobster-like threats against prosecutors made by America’s sociopathic former president. Great Gunders’ original song featured. "Every Little Problem" explains how little issues grow into elephant (GOP) size problems if not stopped early.
America needs its justice systems to soon stop America’s NYC-born, mobsterish, predatory, twice-impeached, defeated former president. This show will go to celebratory parades in whatever jurisdiction promises justice finally delivered to Donald Trump.