Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Episode 140 - Mike Rothschild Exposes QAnon
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Rundown -
Mike Rothschild - 05:42
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:23:40
"Impossible Happiness" by Dave Gunders - 01:47:24
Understand QAnon, perhaps for the first time in your life, in this entertaining hour plus interview with best-selling American author, Mike Rothschild. https://www.amazon.com/Storm-Upon-Us-Conspiracy-Everything/dp/1612199291
Learn the origins of QAnon and the interesting clues and timelines involved. Find out about the complicity of social media companies working in tandem with American talk radio. Find out the Q lingo and orthodoxies.
Donald Trump and Vlad Putin have taken full advantage of the dissension wrought by QAnon, this all-powerful digital movement. Believers envision military “insiders” who’ve provided Q Drops revealing truth that Trump is heaven sent to rid Earth of lefties.
QAnon might be funny if it was not so serious. Find out Q’s many Colorado connections. We discuss the Q roles of Tina Peters, Lin Wood, Hunter S. Thompson, Lauren Boebert, Dan Caplis, Jenna Ellis, George Brauchler, Randy Corporon, Joe Oltmann, Peter Boyles, and others.
Rothschild explains how QAnon, a bigoted conspiracy theory explaining everything, was accelerated by Trump and the MAGA world. Learn of early precursors of the Q phenomenon such as 9/11 truthers, JFK conspiracy nuts, and birtherism. The Obama administration triggered many people.
World events are frightening. When the Covid pandemic hit, people became isolated with laptops and iPhones. Digital algorithms pelt people with bad news podcasts and all too often, disinformation by R/W profit motivated miscreants such as Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, and Tucker Carlson, who’ve all spewed Q talking points.
QAnon was at the heart of Trump’s Big Lie. That’s why they led Trump’s J6 Insurrection at the Capitol. Mike Rothschild explains the addictive quality of the “hope-ium” which QAnon hucksters like Gen. Mike Flynn sell to vulnerable, uneducated, and unhappy people.
Totally Q-resistant is ever-happy show Troubadour Dave Gunders who delights with his pandemic inspired song, Impossible Happiness. The world is going through more than just a little rough patch as Trump claims only he can prevent WWIII which seems to be his 2024 sales pitch.
The world is in a heap of trouble and the dynamic duo of Dave & Craig toss around current events like Trump’s imminent indictments in NYC and elsewhere. Also discussed is the International Criminal Court indictment of Vlad Putin! Meanwhile, China’s Xi is going to Moscow next week. Uh oh.

Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Episode 139 - Leslie Herod wants to be Denver Mayor
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Rundown -
Leslie Herod - 04:59
Cole Wist and Mario Nicolais in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 53:00
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:20:52
"Come Down Miss Lizzie" by Dave Gunders - 01:40:46
Colorado State Representative Leslie Herod makes a strong case for becoming Denver 46th Mayor. She would also be Denver’s first female mayor and Denver’s first queer chief executive. Rep. Herod uses that word about herself which gives rise to fascinating conversation.
Find out who Rep. Herod’s friends and influencers are. Endorsed by Wellington Webb and Dottie Lamm, Herod had law enforcement and military as part of her upbringing in Colorado Springs. Learn how and why she fell in love with Denver.
Size up Rep. Herod’s capacity to be a leader as she responds to harsh criticism in an Axios report. Learn about her poodle mix pet named Clinton and what it was like when she worked for Barack Obama.
Rep. Leslie Herod shows her smarts and sense of humor when asked about Lauren Boebert becoming a grandmother at age 36. Hear her wise responses regarding Ron DeSantis. Learn about Rep. Herod’s roles at major non-profits. Size up her politics and leadership skills.
Rep. Herod brought an entourage who were then welcomed into Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge. Past guests (and friends of show) Cole Wist and Mario Nicolais came to support their mayoral choice. Afterward, they stick around for a lively discussion about what makes Leslie Herod special.
Cole Wist was a rising Republican legislator and superstar several years ago. That all changed when he refused to go along with MAGA and RMGO. Wist is a proven person of principle who detests bigotry and incompetence. His support of Herod could be a difference maker.
The same could be said of Colorado Sun columnist Mario Nicolais who’d likely still be a Republican but for Donald Trump’s malign GOP takeover. These two lawyers respect the rule of law and won’t be confused for progressives. They see rare qualities in Rep. Herod.
Mario Nicolais entertains as he also discusses attorney Jenna Ellis, who just got censured by the Colorado Supreme Court for her part in Donald Trump‘s big election lie. Was the penalty too slight or just right? Listen to these Colorado lawyer/columnists discuss.
Troubadour Dave Gunders joins in on the Jenna Ellis discussion and other current events. Dave also brings us his beautiful song, Come Down, Miss Lizzie, which tells the story of a different kind of love back in 1799. Upcoming NYC prosecution of 45 also batted around.

Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Episode 138 - Trevor Aaronson - Alphabet Boys Podcast
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Rundown -
Trevor Aaronson - 04:56
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:17:22
"Deep Down" by Dave Gunders - 01:33:10
Trevor Aaronson is the journalistic star of the new dramatic episodic podcast, Alphabet Boys, which features a compelling Colorado criminal justice story and startling revelations. Aaronson’s podcast involves an awful FBI informant who stirred up trouble at 2020 Colorado racial justice protests.
Listen to the threats made to Colorado’s top prosecutor and determine the seriousness. The assassination target was Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser and the potential perpetrator scoped out his target’s home. Real people were hurt severely during these Colorado protests.
We witnessed the 2020 mayhem in downtown Denver and Aurora. Thanks to the Alphabet Boys podcast, we can hear how the FBI had their paid informant (Mickey) in the middle of it, and he caused major parts of the problem. Alphabet Boys tells this spy story with compelling audio evidence and with the guts of Aaronson.
The ten-part podcast will keep your attention and it builds to a big finish. Learn how Alphabet Boys was put together. Does Antifa exist? Has it been exaggerated as part of a political agenda? Find out some great Colorado inside information. https://alphabetboys.xyz/
Learn background of Trevor Aaronson, expert at disclosing FBI abuses. The Colorado-NYV terrorism case against Najibulla Zazi is reviewed. Also discussed is January 6, 2021 Capitol violence in Washington and Aaronson wonders why the FBI did not infiltrate and stop that MAGA insurrection. Politics at work in the FBI?
The Church Congressional Committee (1975) was supposed to stop all this spying by the FBI but Alphabet Boys makes clear FBI let loose a monster on the racial justice protest movements in Colorado. There are now 15,000 paid federal informants in America and Aaronson is the journalist dedicated to pointing out abuses.
Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers with his song, Deep Down, perfect for an embedded spy with the FBI. We discuss the Murdaugh verdict and how he lied under oath, as double murderers do, Troubadour and host review their mini-rift, all about modern technology and short attention spans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2eUjdFO4AU

Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Episode 137 - Debbie Ortega wants to be Denver Mayor - Attorney Greg Gold in Kyiv
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Rundown -
Greg Gold in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 04:58
Debbie Ortega - 22:56
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:37:31
"Revelation Town" by Dave Gunders - 01:51:08
Warren Tribune article about Greg Gold - 01:55:33
Denver Councilwoman Debbie Ortega shows off her experience, wisdom and seriousness as a candidate for Denver mayor. She’s been elected citywide numerous times and has been a Denver public servant for parts of six decades. She’s seen Denver through booms and busts.
Learn about Ortega’s family as this proud great grandmother has many military and police progeny. She decries Denver’s slow response times on permitting and policing and describes her solutions. A West High grad, Ortega sets forth her positions on homelessness, affordable housing, and the mayoral debates. We discuss the race and other major candidates.
Attorney Greg Gold gets things kicked off in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge discussing his perilous recent trip to Kyiv well recounted here. https://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2023/02/warren-native-greg-golds-heart-is-in-ukraine/
President Biden and Zelensky are lawyers with courage and integrity. The same is true for Greg Gold and our Ukrainian legal colleague Alex Gorgan we met on Episode 97. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-97-cu-president-todd-saliman-ukraine-update/id1522579679?i=1000563035806 Lt. Gorgan has become Col. Gorgan and Greg Gold just met with him again in Kyiv. Vlad Putin and Alex Murdaugh are sad law school grads with no morals; just like Tucker Carlson.
Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers musical excellence with his timely "Revelation Town" which may refer to Kyiv, which, as Greg Gold tells us, is a similar city to Denver. Gunders offers his usual thoughtful analysis of current events including why we should side with Ukraine. Here's a charity Greg Gold recommends. Give if you can. https://ukraineaidfund.org/

Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Episode 136 - Kwame Spearman wants to be Denver mayor
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"Looking Down" by Dave Gunders - 16:22
Kwame Spearman - 22:15
In our ongoing series of in depth interviews with major Denver mayoral candidates, show welcomes Kwame Spearman. He’s owner of The Tattered Cover, a Denver independent book selling institution.
Find out what makes this Denver native tick. Spearman grew up in east Denver and now worries about the unaffordable housing, homelessness, crime, and Denver headed downward. Listen to Kwame Spearman’s solutions.
Kwame Spearman worked for Bain Capital after going to East High, Columbia and then Yale Law School. After living and working in NYC, Spearman returned to be part of a group that purchased The Tattered Cover.
We go over the highlights from the latest Denver mayoral debates including Spearman’s qualified immunity discussion concerning DPD. We also discuss his homelessness discussions with Kyle Clark and others and last week’s guest, Chris Hansen.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes mightily with his wild song, Looking Down, apropos of the downward direction of Denver with its crime and homelessness problems. What can be done to restore Denver’s greatness?
Lively introduction with Troubadour include current events, the sad return of Tiger Woods with his tampon joke, and a quick sports review with a Colorado flavor. New champs in football, Nuggets soaring in basketball and baseball changing its rules. Let spring training and spring fever begin.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Episode 135 - Chris Hansen wants to be Denver Mayor - Sam Kaufman sold many Neckties
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Rundown -
Chris Hansen - 03:40
Sam Kaufman - 56:57
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:52:21
"Shake Your Moneymaker" by Dave Gunders - 01:59:42
'You People' Movie Review - 02:02:43
Colorado state Senator Chris Hansen makes his strong case to be elected Denver's 46th mayor. Senator Hansen is an engineer by training and experience. Growing up in Goodland, Kansas, Hansen always looked up to the regional capital of Denver, and frequently visited.
Elected to represent SD21 (central and east Denver), Hansen is a legislative leader who wants to now turn his attention to solving Denver’s problems. Hansen is a father of two boys who is proud of his attorney wife. Learn also about Hansen’s father, a necktie-wearing teacher, and his mother, a nurse.
Hansen gets passionate about climate change and electric heat pump technology that could revolutionize Denver’s buildings. Dr. Hansen also knows budgets, having served as the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Vice Chair of the Joint Budget Committee.
So is Hansen’s good humor as he talks about the neckties he and his father have long favored. The Colorado Senate’s strict necktie rule is no problem for this mayoral candidate who wore a solid red tie to Thursday’s first Denver mayoral debate held at Regis College.
The candidate discusses his first priority commitment to Denver public safety. Denver’s ongoing crime and vehicular collision problems are unacceptable. Hansen claims he’s the infrastructure knowledgeable mayoral candidate Denver needs and his decision making skills are suited to the job.
Sam Kaufman’s job was to sell men neckties and it lasted many decades. As son of late great Fred Kaufman and proprietor of this region’s preeminent big and tall men’s clothing store, Sam is an expert at men’s fashion. He’s also sold hundreds of thousands of extra long ties.
Listen to the great yarns spun by this master clothier who spent decades also selling suits and shoes and other apparel at Kaufman’s Big and Tall Store in Englewood. The location at Hampden and Broadway was chosen after Fred Kaufman turned down offers to locate at Cinderella City.
Great athletes galore were among the Kaufman patrons. Listen for the invited name dropping including Julius Erving and Broncos’ greats Paul Smith and Randy Gradishar.
What are neckties all about? Personal expression and a show of respect. Are neckties going extinct? Perhaps. One necktie killer was Raymond Burr who went through them like dishrags as he sweated out playing Perry Mason in the Denver courthouse. Kaufman’s Burr necktie story is a classic.
Sam Kaufman is a brilliant storyteller who loved his famous father who helped bring pro basketball to Denver. Byron Beck is a big Kaufman’s fan and vice versa. These old Denver stories are classics.
For lawyers, a good necktie can be his moneymaker. Shake your Moneymaker is the cover song sung by show Troubadour Dave Gunders who pays tribute to Elmore James and neckties he too has known. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08U7tcjKWFM
As a special feature, Troubadour Dave Gunders give their reviews of the controversial number one movie on Netflix, You People. Was this the right way to cover mixed race marriage controversies, and were Jews treated fairly? https://www.timesofisrael.com/critics-pan-painful-portrayal-of-jews-in-race-relations-rom-com-you-people/

Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Episode 134 - Mike Johnston wants to be Denver Mayor
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Black Balloons" by Dave Gunders - 13:00
Mike Johnston - 20:00
Former Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston is an accomplished metro Denver educator who grew up in Eagle County, Colorado. He’s got degrees from Yale and Harvard and came to fame as an early Colorado ally of Senator Barack Obama.
Johnston is bilingual, represented Park Hill in the Colorado statehouse and his wife is a veteran Denver prosecutor. Listen to Senator Johnston discuss immigration, Denver Public Schools, crime, policing and the horrific death of Tyre Nichols.
Crime and homelessness are hurting Denver. So are failures at Denver Public Schools. As Denver mayor, Johnston explains how he’ll get involved in education. That’s his passion. Johnston has answers when it comes to solving homelessness. Micro-communities are the answer he proposes. https://mikejohnstonformayor.com/
Learn about Denver’s fascinating 9 to 1 political dollar match rule for contributors who are Denver citizens. Regarding guns, learn how Johnston was part of the Colorado Senate when large capacity magazines were outlawed. He’s now ready to fight for gun safety as Denver’s next mayor.
Find out Mike Johnston’s views on cannabis & his belief that law enforcement should be allowed to use MJ as they can alcohol. Johnston thinks he’s got the right coalition and ideas, especially as regards homelessness and education to win and succeed as Denver mayor.
Meanwhile, America remains troubled, including by a strange Chinese spy balloon. Troubadour Dave Gunders delights with his song, Black Balloons and brilliant banter about this possible existential crisis. This trial balloon should be controlled. We are feeling provocation, manipulation and possible infiltration.

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Episode 133 - John Fielder - Colorado’s Photographer
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Rundown -
John Fielder - 05:22
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:42:21
"Light Of The Morning" by Dave Gunders - 01:52:06
John Fielder is widely recognized, with good reason, as Colorado’s most accomplished and talented landscape photographer. Find out here how Fielder is an accomplished businessman, environmentalist, author, community leader, conservationist, and a Colorado man to his core. For posterity's sake, Fielder just donated 5500 of his best images to the Colorado History museum.
Colorado captivated John Fielder as a young North Carolinian who had a Charlotte teacher who took him and six classmates on long summer journeys to explore the western half of North America. Learn how Fielder fell in love with the sight and name of Colorado upon first setting eyes on Longs Peak.
Fielder’s father was a prominent East Coast department store developer. After graduating from Duke with an accounting degree, John Fielder seemed destined to follow in his father’s footsteps after successfully managing the big Southglenn May D&F in the late 1970s. But John Fielder felt too drawn to the nearby mountains and photography.
Quitting his day job, John Fielder pursued his passion. For over forty years, Fielder has documented the grandeur of Colorado with his breathtaking photographs. Find out some secrets to Fielder’s remarkable career. No photographer in Colorado history has enjoyed more success. www.johfielder.com
Fielder’s a candid and terrific interviewee. He’s been an environmentalist since recruited decades ago by Wren Wirth to help designate by photography some Colorado mountain property worth protecting. Fielder is a fierce advocate for environmental causes and conservation. He’s authored fifty books about Colorado.
Fielder is renowned for photography capturing the natural beauty of Colorado. Fielder’s work has exceptional attention to detail, asymmetrical alignments (that he learned at department store displays), and exceptional use of light. Find out about John Fielder’s many years raising a family in the Denver area.
Fielder helped found Colorado Great Outdoors in 1992 and talks about its historic impacts. Now a grandfather of six with more on the way, Fielder’s not finished documenting the dire effects of climate change, and advocating for environmentalism through his photography and enterprises. https://goco.org/news/blog/on-great-outdoors-colorado-turning-20
Learn all about the wise man behind the camera. His role models were Ansel Adams and William Henry Jackson, two famous photographers from a century ago. Fans of fine landscape photography will long be studying the work of Colorado’s photographer of this generation, John Fielder, and this podcast will add to their wisdom.
Making his usual spectacular contribution is show Troubadour Dave Gunders who is also a Colorado mountaineer appreciative of the special light at sunrise. He gifts us with Light of the Morning, a song with a supernatural story behind it. Gunders and host discuss disturbing camera images seen in Paul Pelosi and Tyre Nichols’ violent victimizations.

Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Episode 132 - Kelly Brough wants to be Denver Mayor
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Rundown -
"Kelly's Story" YouTube Clip - 05:11
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 11:17
"Just Try Me" by Dave Gunders - 23:45
Kelly Brough - 29:47
Listen to this fun and interesting interview with Denver mayoral candidate Kelly Brough. She was Chief of Staff under John Hickenlooper and the head of Denver’s Career Service Authority before that. Now, she’s running to be Denver’s 46th mayor.
Brough pronounces her last name like the word “rough” and in this interview, she demonstrates she’s fun, more than rough enough and ready for the rigors of the mayoral campaign. Brough has decades of Denver experience and says she's ready for the chief executive job if she wins it. Brough believes in public service based on her upbringing and character.
Hear this former head of the Denver Chamber of Commerce explain the confusing campaign and debate rules in this spring 2023 election. If elected, Brough promises to get rough with the Denver School Board that is failing to deliver for the students in the Mile High City. We discuss crime, homelessness and how to revitalize downtown Denver.
As president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, Kelly Brough was focused on jobs. The wait times for permitting in Denver comes under criticism from the candidate who explains her plans to immediately do better.
Brough was he first female snow plow driver at Stapleton International Airport and the first female CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber. Born and raised in small Montana towns, she’s been in Denver since 1986. Her opening YouTube video contains tragedies and accomplishments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbp53VjQLe4
A widowed mother of two grown daughters, Brough realizes, if elected, she’s entering a challenge-filled time. Rapid technological changes will profoundly affect working people and the way big cities work. Denver is at an inflection point and needs great leadership.
Kelly Brough considers open artificial intelligence and its free availability online. Campaign platforms, position papers and speeches can be created instantaneously online through utilization of accumulated written wisdom through 2021. The implications are considered.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders had his beloved black lab Riley, age 14, finally pass away this week. We pay tribute to the life of Riley with fond reminiscences and a special YouTube page. This week's original Dave Gunders’ song is Just Try Me which suits the trying times we face when our pets pass on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yFTI7YX65c
Troubadour Dave Gunders is also a highly accomplished Denver remodeler and home renovator and he decries the Denver permitting process and its ridiculous delays. Businesses and the city of Denver are losing money unnecessarily.
Working and living in Denver needs to improve for the good of Colorado and its inhabitants. Kelly Brough agrees. She loves and owns a black lab too. All major Denver mayoral candidates flow through these fact-filled podcast interviews. Enjoy and evaluate.

Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Episode 131 - Paul Pazen
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"Do What I Say" by Dave Gunders - 19:13
Paul Pazen - 24:38
Paul Pazen is a Denver cop, through and through. Born and raised in Denver in the shadow of District One, Pazen attended North High School and then joined the Marines where he served in the first Gulf War. He returned to join the Denver Police Department in January 1995.
Pazen took on one top assignment after another. He rose through the ranks to become Denver's police chief from 2018 through 2022. Retiring last October, Pazen is poised at age 52 for his next public service challenge. We discuss what’s next.
Public service was instilled in Pazen at an early age by his grandmother Lola Trujillo. Pazen only wants to succeed in Colorado and has no plans to move. Although he seriously considered a run for Denver mayor, listen as he explains his family reasons for not running now.
Pazen initiated successful law enforcement programs and had crime going down pre-pandemic. This former Denver police chief created and implemented the STAR (Support Team Assisted Response) program which sends mental health professionals, not cops, to certain non-violent calls.
Pazen responds to controversies occurring during his tenure. There was a $14 million judgment in federal court for DPD civil rights violations responding in 2020 to George Floyd protests. Former Chief Pazen brings up that 81 police officers were injured in that terrible week of downtown violence. We also discuss the Lodo shooting incident in which a DPD officer is now indicted.
Chief Pazen explains his fear of mass murder and preparation therefor. We review horrific crime sprees that went down on his watch. We remember the tattoo parlor victims and others in Lakewood and Denver, slain by a gunman who wrote it all down. Could DPD have stopped him? Could prosecutors? We discuss.
We also discussed the tragic murder of Shmuel Silverberg at Yeshivah Toras Chaim in August of 2021 and how his five assailants have still not been arraigned in Denver’s congested criminal court system. Chief Pazen showed up at that murder scene and countless others.
Pazen provides behind the scenes details, including how these crimes affected him personally. Discussed also is the tragic murder of Isabella Thallas and the critical wounding of Darian Simon on June 10, 2020. We try to further solve the mystery of the AK-47 murder weapon which belonged to DPD Sgt. Dan Politica.
We talk about Denver and Colorado's crime problems and their solutions, including how to combat car thefts and fentanyl deaths. Murder is not at record levels in Denver, but Colorado is setting murder records. What is going on? Pazen has wisdom.
Troubadour Dave Gunders has abundant wisdom, as displayed in his magnificent song, "Do What I Say." Dave Gunders contributes to a lively introduction, discussing current events, including the Biden classified documents investigation, Governor Jared Polis’ inaugural and possible run for president, as well as guitar greats, the late George Harrison and Jeff Beck. GoGo's Belinda Carlisle talk too.