Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Episode 130 - Jim Walsh wants to be Denver Mayor
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Rundown -
Professor James Walsh - 05:46
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:03:16
"New Last Chance" by Dave Gunders - 01:21:19
Professor James “Jim” Walsh wants to be the mayor of Denver. And it could happen. He’s an entertaining academic in the political science department at the University of Colorado - Denver. Jim Walsh demonstrates on this fast-paced podcast why he’s highly esteemed by his students.
Walsh was a scholarship athlete at Duke where he wrestled at 177 pounds. As a working class Irish-Catholic American from western Pennsylvania, Walsh advocates for working people in his academics and with his politics. Walsh wants to make Denver the most worker friendly city in the country.
Theater is a big part of the Walsh teaching method. Walsh founded and runs the Romero Theater Troupe. This collaborative group seeks to expose counter-narratives in the Denver community and larger world through organic theater. Storytelling is the key. Liberalism sells in Denver, CO.
Listen to this fascinating interview and size up the viability of this candidate. The Denver Post wrote a glowing article about Professor Walsh. Dark horse mayoral candidates with catchy last names and diverse backgrounds have won before in Denver. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/12/30/james-walsh-denver-mayor-candidate-professor-running-with-student-volunteers/
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders discusses great issues of the day including GOP clown show as Boebert and others slowly choose a US House Speaker. Gunders gifts us with his song titled New Last Chance. The southwestern US is in our Colorado backyard, just right for fleeing as Denver weather gets frigid. Brighter days ahead.

Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Episode 129 - Kirk Widlund Hour on KNUS is Missing
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Rundown -
Heidi Beedle - 35:27
Craig reviews Heidi Beedle on The Steffan Tubbs Show - 01:16:57
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:39:01
"Way of Forgetting" by Dave Gunders - 02:43:36
So many wrong things about Denver Trump Radio are illustrated on this week’s podcast. First of all, Steffan Tubbs had Kirk Widlund on as a featured guest. Widlund had produced the radio version of The Craig Silverman Show for many years.
Widlund was terminated from KNUS in December, 2020 when it came out via 9News, Westword and Colorado Springs Antifa that Widlund was not just mega-MAGA, he was Nazi-friendly. Nevertheless, on 12-20-22, Widlund was featured guest on The Steffan Tubbs Show.
The problem is nobody listened, and now KNUS won’t post the podcast. Listen to my show to Tubbs’ big build-up for the Widlund interview. The two have maintained their friendship, and following the interview, we can hear how pleased Tubbs was with what Widlund said. What was it?
But apparently, 710KNUS management disagreed and Salem Colorado has squelched that Widlund hour. We wanted to hear Widlund's explanations. It’s not cool to hide content from the public. Heidi Beedle is aware of this controversy and weighs in as a repeat guest on show.
Tubbs and Widlund are apparently making the case that Colorado Springs Antifa are discredited and that Andy Ngo is the right wing opponent of Antifa and Heidi Beedle who used to be a member. Widlund and Tubbs are trying to scapegoat Beedle who’s having none of it.
Beedle fires back in this exciting Episode 129. We play tons of Tubbs’ sound because for once, it is interesting and we are looking for clues as to what happened when Tubbs turned his show over, once again, to Widlund, his pal and former executive producer.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers with "Way of Forgetting" as we try to forget bad events of 2022. We discuss Dave’s enjoyment of Avatar Two and the host's enjoyment of Christmas Day Nuggets OT win over Suns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDh76iNA1lk
Happy New Year! The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Episode 128 - Troubadour Dave Gunders - Chanukah/Christmas Special
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"Set the Tone" by Dave Gunders - 23:15
Highlights from 2022 with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 28:16
Troubadour Dave Gunders and host review wild week with Zelensky in USA and J6 Committee writing down the roadmap to convicting Trump. On #DenverTrumpRadio, Jenna Ellis allowed to desecrate Club Q victims, the return of Kirk Widlund, and Steffan Tubbs' smearing of Heidi Beedle.
Great part of each week’s show is the segment where we hear the wisdom of Dave Gunders who has been a musician for five decades now. Each song each week tells a story. And beginning with the awful Marshall Fire, Troubadour and host have had a lot to say in 2022.

Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Episode 127 - Mitch Morrissey - Crime Fighter - DNA Expert
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Rundown -
Mitch Morrissey in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge (Part 1) - 05:16
Mitch Morrissey in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge (Part 2) - 01:13:12
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 03:05:42
"A Sun Still Shining" by Dave Gunders - 03:13:29
Mitch Morrissey was elected District Attorney of Denver, Colorado for three terms from 2005-2017. Before that, he was a Denver prosecutor for decades. Craig Silverman was his supervising and training Chief Deputy DA in Denver District Courtroom 13. Stan Garnett was the other assigned Deputy DA.
Stan Garnett went on to be Boulder DA. Mitch became Denver DA. Former Denver DA (and future Governor) Bill Ritter compelled Mitch Morrissey to become the lead DNA prosecutor on the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation. Poor JonBenet was brutalized in her own Boulder home on Christmas of 1996.
Morrissey was in the grand jury room where it happened. A Boulder grand jury voted to charge parents John and Patsy Ramsey but Boulder DA Alex Hunter still would not prosecute. Did Alex Hunter make the right decision? Mitch Morrissey reveals his input and the true impact of the DNA evidence in this case. Who killed JonBenet? And why?
John Ramsey, her father, just did a fascinating interview with Megyn Kelly. He explains how he has written to Governor Jared Polis demanding that a reputable DNA lab work on solving the crime against his daughter. This show highlights the contradiction of how Mitch Morrissey and John Ramsey describe the known sequence of events.
The autopsy and science revealed JonBenet was hit hard in the head, cracking her skull, and causing massive damage, and shallow breathing, but not death. The little girl’s cause of death was strangulation by ligature caused by someone turning a garrote made of sticks from Patsy Ramsey’s art supply kit.
If you care about this enduring mystery, know that this section begins about an hour in and surrounds the possibly incriminating sound out of the mouth of John Ramsey during his friendly interview with Megyn Kelly. Mitch Morrissey explains his attitude towards Boulder DA Mary Lacy’s exoneration of the Ramsey parents.
Both Denver natives, host and guest reminisce initially about their three generations of Denver lawyers. We talk about Denver DA Phil Van Cise and his Deputy DA (and future Colorado Supreme Court Justice) O. Otto Moore who fought the Klan in the 1920s. Mitch’s grandfather was FDR’s US Attorney for Colorado and his Dad a prominent legislator.
We move to the 1980s and discuss Dale Tooley, Norm Early, Bill Ritter, Mike Kane, Mike Little, Brooke Wunnicke, Beth McCann, Chuck Lepley, Norm Brisson, Lamar Sims, Doug Jackson, Bonnie Benedetti, Tom Clinton, Henry Cooper and so many great Denver prosecutors.
Listen as Mitch Morrissey takes us behind the scenes on the Alan Berg murder case, the Darrent Williams murder case, and many other famous Denver homicides. The sentencing pendulum has swung toward leniency and Morrissey explains how we are paying the price. The past, present, and future of Denver and Colorado are discussed.
The job of a big city prosecutor is to provide public safety. It takes wisdom and experience to properly charge people accused of crimes. Morrissey spent five years doing Intake and understands smart ways to file cases.
We discuss whether the El Paso County law enforcers did a good job with respect to the Club Q massacre. Could better charging and prosecution decisions have prevented the shooter from committing his awful gun crimes? What about Red Flag Laws unenforced? We discuss capital punishment in Colorado.
This show runs the gamut with one of the most interesting and accomplished attorneys in Colorado. Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge was proud to host this epic conversation with one of America’s top crime fighters. Listen to the prosecutorial passion for justice in Denver DA Mitch Morrissey and enjoy.
Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers a brilliant conversation on the host’s birthday. A Sun Still Shining is a gift of a song to get us through hard times, like the aftermath of violent crime, such as the Club Q shooting.

Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Episode 126 - Ari Armstrong
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"Wings of a Rocket" by Dave Gunders - 20:27
Ari Armstrong - 25:40
Ari Armstrong is an interesting fellow. A public intellectual, this clear thinker reads many books and pens mighty columns. His website is www.ariarmstrong.com and his Colorado PickAxe substack is excellent reading, and almost always about Colorado.
Jeff Hunt is Director of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, and Co-Chairman of the Western Conservative Summit. Ari Armstrong rips Mr. Hunt to smithereens in his latest substack column titled, Jeff Hunt Aligns with Christian Nationalism. https://coloradopickaxe.substack.com/p/jeff-hunt-aligns-with-christian-nationalism
Ari Armstrong daddresses Jeff Hunt and the blocking strategies he employs on Twitter. Elon Musk and Twitter get discussed as does Trump who incited the January 6 riots on social media and elsewhere. Must Trump and other higher-ups be held accountable for America to move forward? Ari Armstrong weighs in.
Colorado media discussed MAGA sycophants on Denver Trump Radio including George Brauchler and Dan Caplis who this past week railed against marijuana and disparaged the prisoner exchange for Brittney Griner. MAGA has revealed so much bigotry and dishonesty.
Ari Armstrong, a Complete Colorado columnist, speaks out strong against Trumpism and Lauren Boebert. Praised are the Republican participants in the January 6 Select Committee, and we wonder why Brauchler won’t back Kinzinger and Caplis won’t back Cheney. https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/author/ari-armstrong/
Ari Armstrong discusses his journey through libertarianism and from being an ardent Ayn Rand follower. Along the way Armstrong wrote his book, “What’s Wrong with Ayn Rand’s Objectivist Ethics” Buy it here. https://www.amazon.com/Whats-Wrong-Rands-Objectivist-Ethics/dp/0981803032
Armstrong and host discuss the Klu Klux Klan history in Colorado which peaked a century ago. Armstrong draws parallels with the modern MAGA movement which blends in Christianity. The expert on the subject is Robert Goldberg who wrote the book, Hidden Empire. https://collections.lib.utah.edu/details?id=705527
Armstrong’s podcast, Self in Society, featured fabulous interviews with Utah Professor Goldberg. The Klan mentality has never disappeared and we contemplate the future for our children. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/robert-alan-goldberg-on-the-klan-in-colorado/id1466841271?i=1000486622962
Also discussed are Carl Sagan and artificial intelligence. We consider whether the Republican Party in Colorado can survive. And whether it should. The intelligence and intellectual curiosity of Ari Armstrong shines through. He is a Colorado thought leader.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders has a song that’s perfect for space exploration. Wings of a Rocket is a song about a relationship that needs to be repaired. Our society needs repair after the ravages of bad leaders. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=zTgw7cxpeNw

Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Episode 125 - Adam Mares - DNVR - A Hundred Invisible Threads
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Rundown -
Adam Mares - 07:12
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:16:53
"Sugar Don't Call" by Dave Gunders - 02:23:08
Adam Mares is a big strong man at 6’5” and a solid 225 pounds. He was a skilled small college player who understands every aspect of basketball, and how it relates to life. As a metro Denver kid, Adam grew up a big Nuggets fan and Colorado’s NBA team remains his passion.
Fans, players and the Nuggets have taken notice of Adam Mares’ talents as a basketball pundit. Mares is a prolific commentator on social media and on his many podcast platforms. DNVR is the place to be for sports stories, get togethers, podcasting, and more in Colorado, if you like the Nuggets, Avs, Broncos, Rockies, Buffs, Rams, etc. You can watch these guys on their YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@DNVR_Sports
Mares heads up DNVR Nuggets and is an exceptional podcast talent because he puts his authenticity, passion and smarts on full display on his own shows, but especially here in this fast-moving podcast. Adam Mares is a main brain behind the popular #DNVR concept/brand that is going national now (e.g. PHNX, CHGO). https://www.youtube.com/@DNVR_Sports
On DNVR Nuggets podcast, Adam Mares and his regular mates are broadcasting gold. https://thednvr.com/category/podcasts/denver-nuggets-podcasts. Instant analysis in the upbeat Winner’s Lounge after Nuggets’ victories is always fun. The Loser’s Lounge, after tough losses like Atlanta on 12.1.22, is also a cool place for Nuggets fans to commiserate and voice constructive criticism, with your homies.
Sports wagering is part of every DNVR podcast and we talk about it here. There is also talk of politics and its role in the NBA. We talk about David Stern, Adam Silver, Donald Sterling, Robert Sarver, Daryl Morey, LeBron James, the DeVos family and Kyrie Irving. As we get political, Adam Mares points to lessons from The Brothers Karamazov.
How did Adam Mares get so smart? Find out about his Northglenn/Thornton upbringing. Adam Mares credits Colorado College for giving him a new worldview. Imbued with talent, intellectual curiosity, and a love for basketball, listen and learn how Adam Mares excelled as a CC Tiger.
The Colorado College is a special place where NCAA basketball is great, but the academics and professors make the most impact. We talk about Adam Mares’ love of reading and how he embraced education, and discovered a joy in reading, and expressing himself in block plan classes.
Post-college was an adventure and a challenge until Adam Mares found his way back to basketball. Mares elbowed his way into being one of Nuggets’ most important pundits. Learn how. With DNVR, Adam Mares and his partners have built a sensational enterprise featuring podcasts, merch, publications, social media, and a fine bar/restaurant, with outstanding food. https://thednvr.com/the-dnvr-bar/
Growing up in metro Denver, there is shared love of the Nuggets and appreciation of this golden era of Nikola Jokic. Special attention is paid to special players Jamal Murray and Bones Hyland. The player who gets the most attention is Denver’s two-time MVP. There has never been a better hooper in Colorado history.
No one analyzes Jokic better than Adam Mares who recently took his @DNVR crew on a pilgrimage to Serbia to discover the roots of the repeat MVP’s greatness. It was an amazing trip which has led to a sensational documentary packed with history, humor, drama, and a new appreciation for Jokic. And for Mares.
A Hundred Invisible Threads is a superb exploration of the former Yugoslavia by these entertaining #DNVR hosts. It was a great time to travel there because Jokic was playing critical basketball for Serbia to remain in championship contention in the the FIBA Basketball World Cup. https://www.fiba.basketball/basketballworldcup/2023
The documentary’s dramatic pacing is excellent. Adam Mares dominates the screen as a taller, more intellectual yet jock-like Anthony Bourdain. There are sensational foreign food and drink festivals but most of all, a love of basketball. And respect for Serbia.
Along the way, Adam Mares discovers what drives the Serbian people (formerly part of Yugoslavia) and the profound impact national dissolution and war had on their sports. The sports that matter in Serbia are soccer and basketball. Jokic is a national hero. Serbia craves recognition and respect.
You need not be a Jokic fan to enjoy this well-filmed documentary. But it helps. Watchers of this movie will become fans of its narrator, Adam Mares. Learn all about the making of A Hundred Invisible Threads toward the back end of this superb @adammares interview. https://thednvr.com/a-hundred-invisible-threads/
When basketball comes up, the show host recalls his halcyon days playing hoop at GWHS and CC (where he set single season scoring record in 1978). Adam Mares scored lots of points too by draining three pointers like Jokic, whereas host’s college career preceded the 3-point line. Asterisk appropriate?https://cctigers.com/sports/2008/7/8/MBB_0708084724.aspx?id=135
At George Washington HS, host beat out Michael Ray Richardson for first-team All-City. Richardson ended up with the NY Knicks where he was All Pro and given the nickname Sugar. Sadly, Sugar Ray Richardson crashed due to substance abuse and became the subject of an NBA documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOo20EBKdDE
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers his heartfelt song titled, Sugar Don’t Call, which fits the fact Michael Ray Richardson and host have not met since they covered each other in DPL games in 1973 and 1974. No one has made the call. Maybe someday on a future podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqUDvBx-XgE
As for Sugar Ray Richardson, like Kyrie Irving, he’s had some antisemitic things to say. The situation with bigotry by Kanye, Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes is again discussed with Dave Gunders. These are frightening times.. Too many disturbed and troubled people wrap their heads around hating Jews. https://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=2816356

Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Rundown -
Heidi Beedle - 21:59
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:41:25
"Safe Haven" by Dave Gunders - 01:54:24
Colorado experienced another mass casualty atrocity – five innocent people slaughtered by a bigoted madman with an AR-15. Meanwhile, bigoted madmen Nick Fuentes and Kanye West are dining this holiday weekend with 45 at Mar-A-Lago. Our country is at a breaking point.
Listen to November 2019 sound of Donald Trump, Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle and Charlie Kirk heckled off a UCLA stage by Groypers (Nick Fuentes’ neo-Nazi crew). Not long after, Michelle Malkin came to UCLA on 11/14/19 to defend Groypers and call out their detractors like Jewish R/W pundit Ben Shapiro.
Reporter Heidi Beedle is well situated to discuss the massacre at Club Q. She knew some of the victims and has been covering bigoted right wing extremism for many years now, first for the Colorado Springs Independent, and now, as a reporter with the Colorado Times Recorder.
Hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric has been spewing out of El Paso County and Heidi has documented the rise and influence of Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. As an Army veteran, parent, and Colorado Springs resident, Heidi Beedle, who is Trans, knows more than most, and she shares that knowledge.
Beedle’s an outstanding guest chronicling the latest exploits of Colorado’s latest America Firsters. When right wingers dominate law enforcement in a jurisdiction, Red Flag Laws don’t get enforced. Assault weapons are welcomed. We find out what’s up with the El Paso County DA and Sheriff.
Heidi Beedle and host discuss the history of Emergency Response Protective Orders (Red Flag Laws), Colorado’s lacks a death penalty and considered is whether the feds should seek such punishment. We discuss the role of Republican politicians, pundits, and influencers like Joe Oltmann and #DenverTrumpRadio hosts.
Club Q was a safe haven for many marginalized people in Colorado Springs. Show Troubadour Dave Gunders wrote Safe Haven as a song for a troubled time with a singer looking for peaceful refuge. Colorado needs more safe havens free from the bigoted gun violence. Meanwhile, bigots like Ye, Fuentes and 45 hang together at their Mar-A-Lago haven. For how long?

Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Episode 123 - Scott Levin - ADL’s Regional Director - Mountain States Division
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Rundown -
Scott Levin in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 06:13
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:24:53
"Goin' Away Blues" by Dave Gunders - 01:34:51
Scott Levin visits Craig's Lawyers’ Lounge to discuss the amazing array of Jew hating incidents roiling Colorado and America. Host and guest share Denver Public School roots followed by decades as Colorado attorneys. We talk about America’s most important new lawyer, Special Counsel Jack Smith.
In this candid discussion, ADL’s Regional Director of Mountain States Division talks turkey about Donald Trump, January 6 and the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville in August of 2017. The ADL takes on Trump when he displays his bigotry and Scott Levin explains the process.
These are best and worst of times when it comes to antisemitism in Colorado. We celebrate midterm victories by Governor Polis, AG Weiser, and SoS Griswold. Adam Frisch almost beat Boebert and could’ve done so if he got the backing of Ross Kaminsky at KOA who instead told fans to vote all GOP in CO.
We discuss Ross Kaminsky and Krista Kafer, two Colorado media members who backed Trump in 2020 after not backing him in 2016. WTF Kafer was subject of Rabbi Rick Rheins’ sermon (Episode 119) in which Scott Levin and DU Prof. Nader Hashemi also mentioned.
Kafer also came to the defense of Steve Durham who was a guest on that same memorable Episode 119. Scott Levin reveals how Durham’s harsh position softened after the podcast discussions. Sadly, Krista Kafer and Colorado Springs Gazette like pretending Nazis came from political left. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/10/25/steve-durham-facism-socialism-genocide-state-board-education/
Learn about ADL's decision to tell Fox to fire Tucker Carlson. Kanye West and Kyrie Irving are discussed. Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue is played and criticized. Not cool Dave. Not helpful. Tropes get people killed.
ADL has weighed in on Elon Musk. Is Musk bigoted against Jews? Time will tell, but there are many clues to analyze. Like Henry Ford, Musk has built a huge car company, and is now branching out to a gigantic media platform. Toward what end? The ADL is concerned. https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/5-things-adl-watching-following-elon-musk-buying-twitter
Mount Evans is now destined to become Mount Blue Sky which is a great thing. Governor Evans disgraced his office when he authorized the slaughter of 230 Cheyenne and Arapaho people at the Sand Creek Massacre. The ADL was part of the process. Find out more.
Dave Gunders delivers a perfect goodbye song for disgraced Gov. Evans with his song, Goin’ Away Blues. Show Troubadour discuss appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel. Current events are creating instant American history causing massive societal evolution. Let’s evolve together.

Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Episode 122 - Bob Marshall wins sweet anti-MAGA victory in Douglas County Colorado
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 05:49
"I Give Thanks" by Dave Gunders - 15:43
Bob Marshall in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 21:34
CO State Rep. Rep. Elect Bob Marshall just won a sweet victory in HD43 (Highlands Ranch). There are still MAGA threats to America but they are diminished after Tuesday’s election results. Democracy was saved and Colorado led the way. It was a bad week for Putin/Trump in Ukraine and the USA.
Bob Marshall was a Republican most of his life. Born and raised in Evergreen, Bob served as a Marine officer for several decades. He’s also an Ivy League trained accomplished attorney. Bob and his wife and daughter settled in Highlands Ranch where he was a regular Republican family man until Trump came along.
Check out Bob’s first appearance explaining his impressive background on Episode 99. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-99-colorado-do-gooders-john-morse-and-bob-marshall/id1522579679?i=1000565218367
BTW, like other great people, Bob went all out supporting Ukraine.
Bob Marshall interviewed Friday afternoon almost immediately after learning he officially won his close race. Some thought Dem victory in Douglas County impossible but Bob Marshall explains how he accomplished his mission. Already this week, Bob Marshall takes key votes at Colorado’s Capitol.
Bob Marshall was offended by Trump’s disparagement of a Gold Star Mom. He eventually got activated to walk Highlands Ranch intersections in support of defeating Trump in 2020. He also became a Democrat for the first time. With guys like Bob, USA saved in 2020; and again, in 2022. That’s what Marines do in times of trouble.
Learn all about the physical attack Bob Marshall endured at the hands of a Dougco GOP official back on 9.10.20. When John Kellner and the criminal justice system in the 18th JD failed Marshall, he got civil justice by hiring Craig Silverman Law. This case fascinates and propelled Bob into politics.
Henry Gunders was thrust into politics as a boy. As a Jew named Henry Gunderheimer, he and his family had to flee their homes in Munich, Germany to escape the fascist Nazis in the 1930s. When he made it to America, Henry joined the Tenth Mountain Division and was part of their post D-Day invasion and victory in WWII.
Troubadour Dave Gunders joins the show from Greenwich Connecticut, home of Henry Gunders, age 98, who told his story himself on epic Ep. 121. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-21-political-science/id1522579679?i=1000499735900. Troubadour Dave Gunders dedicates his song, I Give Thanks, to his father, and it works as well for voters (and Hashem?) saving America.
Any upcoming civil war will involve Republicans fighting over whether to remain MAGA. Too many insults by Trump (DeSantis, Youngkin) will make MAGA GOP harmony improbable. Here’s to hoping DOJ is on the cusp of bringing down its hammer. Bob Marshall talks about current events and his amazing victory.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Rundown -
Ari Folman - 16:23
Gino Geraci - 53:20
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:49:09
"Looking Down" by Dave Gunders - 03:02:46
Show begins with rundown of 11-4-22 sentencing of monstrous man who murdered Isabella Thallas and gravely wounded Darian Simon. Michael Close was sentenced to Life plus 48 years by Judge Lisa Arnold and the courtroom scene is described. Find out the chilling words spoken Friday afternoon in Denver District Courtroom 5A.
Are we on the threshold of widespread political violence in America? Is this unique to the USA or is something going on all around the world as climate change and new economic realities roil societies? Social media, especially Twitter (Elon Musk), plays its role, and is examined.
Filmmaker Ari Folman directed the Oscar-nominated animated documentary film, Waltz with Bashir (2008). Folman's latest project is another animated film based on the life of Anne Frank during the Holocaust, named Where Is Anne Frank? We discuss the return of Bibi Netanyahu and whether he’s on the take.
Folman’s movie, Where is Anne Frank?, is being distributed worldwide and been purchased by many countries but not by USA, Israel, or Germany. Hmmm. Learn filmmaker Folman’s perspective on these decisions, and his upcoming eleven-city American tour including Denver on November 9. https://www.du.edu/events/20th-annual-fred-audrey-f-marcus-holocaust-lecture
War is hell and Folman ought to know. The scars of his four year service in the IDF is apparent in this interview and his art. Folman is a wise man discouraged about the right turn politics has taken in Israel, and in America. We learn this Israeli’s downcast view now of our country and our former president.
Gino Geraci has a more favorable view of former President Trump and is a longtime broadcaster on the Christian radio side of the Salem Media Group. Geraci’s daily show delivers a mixture of news and culture from a Biblical Worldview and answers questions from a Scriptural perspective.
Gino Geraci and host go at it, discussing history and then current events. Radio hosts Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, Dan Caplis and Jenna Ellis are discussed. The political strains between former friends is addressed and Geraci advocates love. Is that possible? https://947fmtheword.com/radioshow/crosswalk
We discuss the hate displayed toward poor Paul Pelosi who was struck in the head by a hammer wielding intruder bent on kneecapping the man’s 80 year old wife, Nancy Pelosi. How low can our society go? What kind of sickos would perpetrate such disinformation? Why are they often prominent Christians?
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers perfect song titled, Looking Down, which is the way current polling looks for Dem chances to retain Congress. Election deniers are poised to win in GA and AZ. Great discussion of disturbing current events including Kyrie Irving, Kanye West and 6th Ave. icy smashups.
What is the origin of antisemitism? Do Jews look down on non-Jews or vice versa? And what does the certainty of an eternal afterlife for Christians mean for the rest of us? Does that mean Jews are expendable because they’re going to hell anyway? Now, that’s looking down.
The Craig Silverman Show - every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time