Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Episode 100 - Kyle Clark
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"Impossible Happiness" by Dave Gunders - 06:07
Kyle Clark - 10:29
Craig reacts to January 6th Select Committee Hearing - 01:16:40
One More Thing with Kyle Clark: It is the Guns! - 01:23:58
Kyle Clark is Colorado’s most important and impactful journalist. Next with Kyle Clark is Colorado’s must-watch newscast. https://www.9news.com/next Kyle’s Word of Thanks campaign just celebrated its 100th week and has raised over nine million dollars for worthy non-profits. No one better for our 100th show.
9News is Colorado’s news leader for a reason and those reasons are discussed. Some of Kyle’s teammates are celebrated. Kyle Clark, a straight Caucasian family man, has become a target of right-wing wrath. We discuss willingness and courage of Kyle and his colleagues to confront bigotries in our community.
The many Coloradans connected to Trump’s Big Lie and the January 6 Insurrection are named and shamed. Discussed is the role of broadcasters who won’t cover the J6 Committee and the obvious conspiracy and coordination between Team Trump and the Proud Boys.
Difficulties of functioning with disparate facts discussed along with importance of trusted news sources. Dangers come with speaking truths authoritarians dislike. Family & parental considerations come into play. If talented honest news people exit, our democracy is further lost.
“It’s the guns,” Kyle Clark correctly claimed immediately after the Uvalde massacre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY3oBx5QPho In bonus segment, the despicable assault weapon slaughters of Isabella Thallas (6-10-20) and Alan Berg (6-18-84) are remembered. This show dedicated to Bella and Alan.
The first round of the January 6 Select Committee hearing on Thursday night was significant. America has a new hero named Officer Caroline Edwards. We now know Trump conspired with Proud Boys who served as his stormtroopers. Host gut-reacts to Day One hearing.
Troubadour Dave Gunders helps open this century show with his classic song, Impossible Happiness, which perfectly encapsulates trepidations during these fraught times. Maybe we are just going through a little rough patch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE_2XvcCLpU The first 100 shows have been terrific. More to come.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time.

Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Episode 99 - Colorado Do-Gooders John Morse and Bob Marshall
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Rundown -
John Morse - 03:50
Bob Marshall in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 01:27:24
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:35:58
"On and On Her Way" by Dave Gunders - 02:44:20
John Morse is an outstanding former paramedic, cop, detective, police chief, and Colorado Senate President. Now a successful CPA, Morse refuses to back down in stating his gun reform opinions. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/05/31/uvalde-shooting-john-morse-guns-colorado-gun-control-laws-2013/
Racial aspects of Elijah McClain and George Floyd matters are deeply explored. Morse makes strong case for banning assault weapons now. When Aurora and Sandy Hook massacres happened, Morse and Colorado government reacted with modest reforms. Morse wishes he’d gone further.
John Morse forcefully advocates not voting for Jared Polis, or any other politician, who won’t ban assault weapons. Morse gets justifiably agitated about dead children. John Morse would be a great police chief in Denver or Aurora, and you’ll hear if he’s interested.
Attorney Bob Marshall wants to make a difference in the Colorado Statehouse too. A former Republican, Bob is dedicated to battling Trumpism in all its Colorado manifestations. Some of this has hit home in Douglas County, home of CD43, where Bob is the Democratic nominee.
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge welcomes this veteran Marine who recently returned from a humanitarian trip to Kiev, Ukraine. We learn how and why Bob has battled Trumpism in Highlands Ranch intersections and with the local school district.
Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes his beautiful haunting song apropos of the sadness felt for the Uvalde, Buffalo, and many other mass shooting victims. Discussed is whether it is even fair to bring kids into this world, and Troubadour’s response is an adamant yes.

Saturday May 28, 2022
Episode 98 - Terry Frei
Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 03:16
"Love Has a Way (Song for Deb)" by Dave Gunders - 24:19
Terry Frei - 30:09
Memorial Day 2022 is a dark time in America. The Uvalde massacre has damaged us severely. With his extensive writing about military sacrifice, author Terry Frei is a perfect guest who knows hockey, and has also written extensively about the Columbine massacre.
Terry Frei is an accomplished Colorado sports media star, with an afternoon drive-time show now. He has covered the Broncos, Rockies and the Avalanche and everything else to do with Colorado sports. He also has profound thoughts about current events.
Discussed are the delayed police response in Uvalde, the ignored lessons of Columbine, the need for meaningful gun reform in America and why it does not happen. White supremacy leading to the murders in WWII and Buffalo, NY is addressed.
Terry Frei's book Olympic Affair tells the true-life story of CSU's Glen Morris, a superstar gold medal decathlete at the 1936 Olympics and his love affair with Leni Riefenstahl, the famous Nazi propogandist. This may soon be a major movie. It's an outstanding book.
Terry Frei knows expertly the National Hockey League and makes a bold prediction about the Avalanche-Blues series -- before game six. Tune in to see if Terry got it right. We discussed the Code inside of hockey and whether it was violated by Naz Kadri.
Troubadour Dave Gunders comes through with perfect song called Love Has a Way. This song makes bad times tolerable and teaches us how to heal. Bless the memories of the children of Uvalde and their teachers, and Dave Schreiner, a friend and Wisconsin Badger teammate of Terry’s father, Coach Jerry Frei.
Have a meaningful Memorial Day weekend and listen to this podcast on Saturdays at 9 AM Colorado time.

Saturday May 21, 2022
Episode 97 - CU President Todd Saliman, Ukraine Update, and Jerry Kennedy Tribute
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 04:10
"Safe Haven" by Dave Gunders - 13:40
CU President Todd Saliman - 17:52
Marshall Fogel in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 52:56
Greg Gold and Lt. Alex Gorgan in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 01:13:20
Brand new CU President Todd Saliman answers questions about his dream job. Find out why the CU Regents selected him unanimously. Learn Todd Saliman’s local roots, educational and public service background, and his fierce determination to make CU the best.
Arguably the best CU President ever was George Norlin, who, beginning in 1917, served two decades. That’s when President Norlin had CU’s distinctive architecture designed and installed. A century ago, Norlin resisted the Klu Klux Klan which was dominating Colorado and our politics. Saliman discusses Norlin and his legacy and the Norlin Charge delivered to CU grads.
Troubadour Dave Gunders went to CU-Boulder where he found inspiration for his song, Safe Haven. We all need refuge in people, or places, in times of turmoil. Even with all its recent problems, Boulder remains one of the best places in the world to live, and a haven.
Marshall Fogel attended CU too before becoming a Denver deputy district attorney and then counsel for the Denver police unions. Along the way, he got to know and love the DPD’s Jerry Kennedy who just passed away. Listen to beautiful tribute to Chief Kennedy by his friend and attorney.
Accomplished Colorado trial lawyer Greg Gold told us two weeks ago about his plans to help Ukraine, and now we find out the rest of the story. Listen to lawyer Lt. Alex Gorgan from the front lines of the Ukraine War in Craig's Lawyers’ Lounge. Find out how you can help fight Putin.
Kyle Clark from @9News has agreed to come on upcoming podcast & will discuss the basis for his criticisms of Dan Caplis. Dan's been invited on but thus far, has not accepted. Find out more with fascinating soundbites at end of this podcast explaining their disputes.

Saturday May 14, 2022
Episode 96 - Hollynd Hoskins, Esq. – Pickleball Attorney
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
Rundown -
Hollynd Hoskins in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 02:49
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:40:14
"Your Way Too" by Dave Gunders - 01:49:53
Famous female lawyer Hollynd Hoskins enters Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge to speak about the imminent demise of Roe v. Wade and its wide-ranging legal ramifications. This outspoken accomplished athlete, pro footballer, and fierce legal advocate explains how Alito’s apparent reversal of Roe will affect poor women of color and our legal system.
Learn Hollynd‘s amazing record of success in court. https://www.hollyndlaw.com. She has proven herself as a public defender, a medical malpractice lawyer, and now, as the successful lawyer this week for the Mayor of Pickleball, Arslan Guney. The situation became an international incident, now resolved without any conviction or further jailing. Mayor Guney loves Hollynd. So will you.
Find out what it was like for Hollynd to grow up in an interracial family in the Park Hill part of Denver, Colorado. She is an East High Hall of Famer and does not shy away from controversies. She describes her experience as a gay married person and the daughter of a Trailblazing Denver family. Warning: You may want to play pickleball after this show.
Troubadour Dave Gunders talks about playing pickleball and the tug of war which is Roe v. Wade. His song titled Your Way Too features a trumpet and a saxophone that make this Dave Gunders' song fantastic. Listen as Dave explains his love of percussion, New Orleans and the JazzFest he just attended.

Saturday May 07, 2022
Episode 95 - Foreign Correspondents: Greg Gold from Poland; Ken Toltz from Israel
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
Rundown -
Greg Gold in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 04:36
Ken Toltz - 01:17:09
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:19:44
"A Sun Still Shining" by Dave Gunders - 02:25:45
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge went to Krakow, Poland to catch up with accomplished Colorado personal injury lawyer, Greg Gold, who has gone to Eastern Europe to battle tyranny and Putin. Speaking after touring Auschwitz, and right before he heads to Lviv, Ukraine to drop off supplies, Greg profoundly discusses eastern European history and current distressing events.
Along the way, Greg discovered Rudolf Miczka, a sharp 27-year-old proud Polish native, historian, and tour guide. We get to know Rudolf too, as the Friday sun set on Poland, Ukraine’s neighbor to the west. We puzzle out next moves and whether America is handling situation well.
Further east Friday evening was our Israeli correspondent and former Colorado Front Range politico and columnist, Ken Toltz. We remember when Ken ran against Tom Tancredo for Congress in 2000. Ken, now writing for the Jerusalem Post, has a firm grasp on politics in Colorado, America, and the Holy Land. Ken explains the view of America and Putin from Israel.
Dave Gunders also travels this week, to the foreign feeling city of New Orleans for JazzFest. Our Troubadour discusses his beautiful song named A Sun Still Shining. After a rough week of losing stocks, ongoing bombardment of Ukraine, and Norm Early departing this mortal coil, we need to see a sun is still shining.

Friday May 06, 2022
Bonus Episode - Norm Early Remembered – The Last Interview
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Rest in peace Norman Strickland Early, Jr., longtime Denver DA
Norm Early showed his personality and wisdom in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge in a memorable lively last visit on July 18, 2020. Norm discussed his health challenges, travels, favorite sports, grandparenting, and what he anticipated for his three grandsons and their futures. Listen to Norm sing Monkey Business.
Norm was a collegiate athlete, and reflected on competitiveness, and the degree to which he factored that into hiring and promoting prosecutors.
Norm reminisces on prosecutions of Quintin Wortham, Frank Rodriguez and the United Bank Massacre (James King) case. We talk about Dale Tooley, Dick Lamm, Bill Buckley, Mike Little, Dick Kay (the furrier), Bill Ritter, Beth McCann, and the Denver DA family.
Learn about Norm’s Washington D.C. (Chocolate City) upbringing and the impact of the Brown v Board of Education ruling. Find out Norm’s reaction to the murder of George Floyd, BLM, Confederate flags, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, the modern GOP, Major Lance, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Episode 94 - J. Kyle Bachus, Esq. – Author of UNTHINKABLE
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Rundown -
J. Kyle Bachus, Esq. in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 07:09
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:00:02
"Full Time Job" by Dave Gunders - 02:07:57
Episode 94 is dedicated to the memory of Margaret Bachus who raised three fine children including prominent Denver trial lawyer Kyle Bachus. Margaret’s son Kyle is a natural performer like his mother, who had a Fine Arts degree. In 1996, Kyle and fellow lawyer Darin Schanker opened Bachus & Schanker, LLC which has grown into one of Colorado’s best-known and largest injury law firms.
Two years ago, Kyle’s mother Margaret was tragically run over in a Florida crosswalk. In an instant, Margaret’s life was over, but her three children and pets had to move on. But how? Kyle wrote a book on the subject titled Unthinkable, Real Answers for Families Confronting Catastrophic Injuries and Wrongful Death. Kyle’s book and this interview are invaluable resources. https://www.amazon.com/Unthinkable-Answers-Families-Confronting-Catastrophic-ebook/dp/B09Q2H2Z23
Learn the J. Kyle Bachus story and find out his opinions about America’s pandemic response, the future of downtown Denver, and our Rule of Law. Consider Kyle’s optimism that Americans can and will overcome those determined to destroy democracy. Kyle is a native Floridian and shares strong thoughts about Governor DeSantis and current culture wars.
Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes his brilliant but narcissistic song, Full Time Job, in which there may be discussion of the utility of personal assistants. Discussion ensues on a variety of topics including whether some birds sing better than others, rare rainbows, and the Kent Denver alma mater of the late Secretary of State Madeline Albright.

Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Episode 93 - Chris Vanderveen
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Rundown -
Chris Vanderveen - 03:25
Michael Bailey in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 01:21:40
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:44:29
"Whatever the Future May Bring" by Dave Gunders - 01:55:42
Is the pandemic over? Not hardly, says 9News’ chief Covid correspondent Chris Vanderveen. But we are at a new stage and Chris explains why. Approaching his 20th anniversary at the station, this Denver native recalls his admiration for news in general and especially 9News. Chris describes some of his colleagues, including Kyle Clark, Cheryl Preheim, and Tom Costello.
Chris has covered horrific mass shootings, excessive medical billings, and dangerous usages of police force. A Boettcher scholar out of Denver’s Thomas Jefferson High School, Chris demonstrates wisdom talking about modern media, threats encouraged by Tucker Carlson types, conspiracy theories, and what will happen now that 9News has been sold.
Management changes at 9News are upcoming, and this award-winning journalist makes a strong case for why Colorado’s News Leader should stick with promoting from within. You can’t get more Denver, Colorado than Chris Vanderveen, Director of Special Projects at Colorado’s most popular TV news station. Enjoy listening to this accomplished Colorado journalist.
Michael Bailey returns to Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge talking about his nice year refereeing high school basketball. Estate planning tips are provided as Michael notes more people are getting the urge for personal meetings with him. Learn about Michael’s experiences as a missionary on the Russia/Ukraine border. Find out about pet trusts and the wisdom of having a lawyer double-check your plans.
Troubadour Dave Gunders entertains with his fascinating song, Whatever the Future May Bring, which is a prayer for hope and faith. Dave discusses his recent trip with the host to Denver’s Babi Yar Park and the larger meaning of this memorial and his song given Putin’s barbarous attack on Ukraine.

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Rundown -
Rabbi Raymond Zwerin - 03:32
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:16:31
"Good to Believe" by Dave Gunders - 01:25:38
Rabbi Raymond Zwerin's 85th Birthday Speech - 01:30:58
Private Investigator Jeff Kass - 02:04:40
Rabbi Raymond Zwerin remains very much alive at 85. Ordained as a Rabbi in 1964, he founded Denver’s Temple Sinai, served many decades, and helped create our Colorado Babi Yar Memorial. Past and present atrocities near Kiev against Jews and others are remembered. Rabbi Zwerin reminds us of the sad plight of Jews in the USSR during the 1960’s.
Listen to Rabbi Zwerin get rough on Russia and Putin now. Call his nuclear bluff. Understand the eternal battle for freedom which is the Exodus story from Egypt which we recount on Passover. Rabbi Zwerin is the author of many books including “Forty Years of Wondering” chronicling his best sermons, and a novel, “Holy Fire.”
For his 85th birthday, Rabbi Zwerin gave a beautiful poignant speech explaining what he wanted to be when he grew up. It turns out he wanted to be an engineer but that’s not the correct answer. Find out the right answer and whether the Exodus story and heaven are real.
Troubadour Dave Gunders’ special Passover song, Good to Believe, fits perfectly with the theme of Rabbi Zwerin’s birthday masterpiece. A Passover competition is heating up over which Seder brisket is going to turn out tastier.
Jeff Kass is the accomplished author of Columbine – a True Crime Story. At this week of the year, we remember the massacre that rocked Colorado and our world on April 20, 1999. As a reporter working for the Rocky Mountain News and others, Kass was dispatched to the scene and stayed on the story for more than a decade.
Now also a Colorado licensed private investigator, Jeff Kass corrects many misperceptions about Columbine and calls to task the Jefferson County government for its disinformation campaign to the detriment of the victims. Understand the truth about Columbine and how it still rocks our world on Passover 2022.
The Craig Silverman Show, every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time!