Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Episode 91 - Honorable Tim Tymkovich!
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Rundown -
Chief Judge Tim Tymkovich in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 04:22
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:32:48
"Tear Up Time" by Dave Gunders - 01:48:30
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge proudly welcomes Chief Judge Tymkovich who has long presided over the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, the second highest court in America. He is a Colorado native with firm native roots in Broomfield, preceded by a father and uncle at Denver’s North High, and before that, by the Judge’s grandfather, who came from Ukraine.
Learn about Chief Judge Tymkovich’s formative years at The Colorado College and CU Law before his 2003 federal appointment by President George W. Bush. We discuss just confirmed soon-to-be Justice Ketanji B. Jackson (when Breyer steps down), and legendary Justice Robert H Jackson who took a Supreme Court leave of absence to prosecute Nuremberg war criminals.
Speaking of war criminals, Putin is discussed. Judge Tymkovich is passionate about Ukraine where he’s travelled four times to Ukraine between 2007 and 2018 to aid that country’s transition to democracy and a fair justice system which was leading to Ukraine’s anticipated admission into the European Union. Many great strides were made but those have blown up.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his brave Ukrainian compatriots are hailed, while we remember the atrocities against Ukraine committed by Stalin, and now Putin. We discuss the reasons behind Ukraine once again being in the center of the storm and the best ways for citizens to react. Its not often you hear a federal judge speak so candidly.
Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes his beautiful and haunting song titled, Tear Up Time, a heart-rending ballad about people pulling up roots and moving because things have been torn apart. Ukrainian refugees need our help and understanding. Putin needs to go.

Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Episode 90 - Katy Winge is a Winner!
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Rundown -
Katy Winge - 02:58
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 35:10
"The Rebound" by Dave Gunders - 44:42
Right Wing Media Watch: Peter Boyles Remembered - 51:13
Denver Nuggets’ broadcaster Katy Winge has distinguished herself as an outstanding hoops analyst with skills she displays on Altitude Sports. Learn about the way Katy, a former D-I player at Illinois State, expertly utilizes Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. An instructor at Metro State, Katy Winge will impress you with her basketball, broadcasting, and social media acumen.
Nikola Jokic should repeat as NBA Most Valuable Player. Learn lots about the best Nugget ever and what Joker’s like behind the scenes. We also learn about Nah’Shon (BizzyBones) Hyland, outstanding Nuggets’ rookie, who barely survived a Wilmington, DE fire that took the lives of two close relatives. https://coloradosun.com/2022/03/28/silverman-denver-nuggets-opinion/
What’s an analyst to say when Bones Hyland starts making long shots in clusters, triggering ear-to-ear smiles on himself, the crowd, and even opponents? Bones is fun and infectious, but Katy discusses how she avoids saying “Bones is on fire” or words to that effect. Given the circumstances, "Bones going off," or "Bones is on a roll" works better.
Our Troubadour Dave Gunders has perfect song with fire and a ton of his soul inside. The Rebound is about damaged human beings finding each other at just the right time. Nobody rebounds better that the Nuggets’ Joker and its new rookie named Bones. Chris Rock rebounding from Will Smith slap discussed.
In Right Wing Media Watch, we remember Peter Boyles. We document with sound his destructive behavior, including dishonest hostile treatment of colleagues who challenged him. Addressed is apparent racism underlying Boyles’ birther, immigration, and Colin Kaepernick stances.

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Episode 89 - Judges Jackson - Strangers in a Strange Land
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:58
"Stranger in a Strange Land" by Dave Gunders - 09:45
Judge Gary Jackson in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 15:46
Tsvi Sperber - 01:01:55
We lead off with our Troubadour Dave Gunders’ song, Strangers in a Strange Land, written several years ago for the Syrian refugee crisis, also caused by Putin. Dave’s father Henry Gunderheimer (Episode 21) had to flee Munich in the 1930s. We pay tribute once more to Ukraine and her refugees.
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson had several strange experiences testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. We break it down in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge with veteran Denverite, lawyer, and judge, Gary Jackson (no relation). Denver’s Judge Jackson has achieved many firsts of his own and he will tell you what it takes to make that happen.
Listen to how judges learn to manage people and lawyers. What happens when judges become the witness? Judge Jackson talks about soon to be Justice Jackson and the meaning of her accomplishment as first black woman on the Supreme Court. We talk about the difficult job of sentencing defendants, and the second-guessing of Senators Cruz, Hawley and Graham.
Tsvi Sperber is an outstanding guest from Kraków Poland. Born in Britain and then making Aliyah to Israel, Tsvi Sperber now runs www.JRoots.org which explores the roots of Jewish people, largely around Poland and the Pale of Settlement. Suddenly, Sperber is on edge of a war zone and doing all he can to help with the Ukrainian refugee crisis.
Gain new perspectives on Poland’s role in WWI and WWII. Tsvi Sperber makes you understand the politics and geography of the region and the reality that Jews are scattered throughout the refugees. Putin’s motives and end games are fair game in this fascinating discussion.

Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Episode 88 - Judgment Days featuring Rabbi Rick Rheins and Judge Bob Orr
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Rundown -
Rabbi Rick Rheins - 05:40
Right Wing Media Watch - 53:51
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:12:36
"Some Days" by Dave Gunders - 01:17:52
Judge Bob Orr in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 01:21:36
Our world is on tilt. Big decisions are happening. World War III may be underway. Putin’s Ukraine Invasion is evil. Learn how this past week’s Purim story featuring Haman contains lessons for Putin and us. Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy Ukraine’s Queen Esther? Denver Temple Sinai Senior Rabbi Rheins’ analysis will make you smile and think. Ashkenazi Jews hail from Eastern Europe around Poland and Ukraine; scene of WWI and WWII and pogroms prior to that.
Learn about the Amalekites, an ancient collection of tribes, described in the Old Testament as relentless enemies of Israel who cause mayhem for generation after generation. Find out what it may take to earn favor in the world to come. Are we nearing the time of a messianic age?
Consider the Rabbi’s perspectives on the proper reactions of countries such as America, Poland, and the tiny Jewish State of Israel to this Ukrainian crisis caused by Putin. We find a great way to help by contributing to the Krakow, Poland Jewish Community Center, a magnificent rebirth of Jewish life within an hour’s drive of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. This JCC helps Ukrainian refugees who are pouring into Poland. https://www.friendsofjcckrakow.org/ukraine
Right Wing Media Watch features another examination of the words of Holocaust belittling white-power Groyper leader Nick Fuentes, exposed in fourth episode of this podcast. Remember self-proclaimed Groyper mama Michelle Malkin who ended up terminating contentious interview on that podcast. https://www.thecraigsilvermanshow.com/podcast/episode/36af1638/episode-4-deep-down
Malkin reappeared this week Denver Trump Radio, railing with host Steffan Tubbs against the decision by Beth McCann to drop charges on Mr. Dolloff who shot dead Mr. Keltner at Denver’s Civic Center Park during a Patriot Muster. Tubbs and Malkin insult the DA without discussing true legal standards and ethics involved. Absent is any talk of Coomer lawsuit or Malkin’s white power ties.
Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers with another sensational song, Some Days, dedicated to Ukrainian refugees. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdAkR7zY4pAThese days of Putin’s War are hard and horrible for its victims. Some hope and music is needed. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is an entertainer and statesman. He’s doing a great job leading Ukraine.
Congressman Madison Cawthorn is doing a terrible job representing the people of western North Carolina. Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge welcomes Judge Bob Orr, a former Supreme Court justice from the Tar Heel State, who has won state-wide office as a Republican many times. Judge Orr dumped Trump at RNC in Cleveland in 2016 and fled the GOP after January 6, 2021 Trump Insurrection and Coup.
@JudgeBobOrr has an excellent podcast aimed at defeating Rep. Cawthorn. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-battle-for-nc-11/id1591285219
The Craig Silverman Show, every Saturday morning, at 9 AM Colorado time!

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Episode 87 - From Russia Without Love
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Rundown -
Larry Ryckman - 05:15
Right Wing Media Watch - 01:11:10
Ann Imse - 01:49:24
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:32:11
"My Dad" by Dave Gunders - 02:42:19
Colorado is blessed to have two reporters who covered collapse of the Soviet Union for the Associated Press. Imagine being a baby boomer with a hankering to witness and report on the conflict between Russia and America, and then doing it during critical hinge in history.
Larry Ryckman is Editor and co-founder of The Colorado Sun, which is this state’s top news outlet. Larry Ryckman shares his experience thirty years ago as a foreign correspondent for AP covering Russia, Chechnya, and Ukraine. Listen to Larry describe Russians and Ukrainians and what it was like when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Russia’s loss of press freedoms is ominous. Russia has clamped down on legitimate journalism with 15-year prison sentences for reporting accurately on Putin’s war against Ukraine. What now is the role of the media in this conflict? And how does it affect Colorado? Listen to Larry Ryckman for his informed and entertaining perspective.
Right Wing Media Watch features #DenverTrumpRadio Sunday night mainstay Backbone Radio where conspiracy theories against Ukraine and Zelenskyy run rampant. We examine the heroic uplifting words of Zelenskyy to the British Parliament, and most impactful broadcasting regarding Russia’s Ukraine invasion.
Ann Imse is a superb former Rocky Mountain News journalist who grew up desiring to understand Russia. As an exchange student, Ann Imse attended Leningrad State and returned to Russia as an Associated Press reporter as the Soviet Union was collapsing. Ann shares her vibrant Russian recollections and despairs the loss of Russian press freedoms.
These dangerous times have a lot of us longing for an opportunity to ask our parents for their wisdom and reassurance. Show Troubadour Dave Gunders’ father, Henry Gunders, grew up in Munich and fled the Nazis in the 1930’s, as described in Episode 21. Now we are fathers, and we enjoy Dave Gunders’ song, “My Dad,” about a very good man.

Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Episode 86 - Les Shapiro Remembered
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Rundown -
Chris Fuselier in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 05:12
Jessie Shapiro - 01:06:14
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:47:27
"Eddie Don't Quit" by Dave Gunders - 02:08:52
Right Wing Media Watch - 02:14:59
Chris Fuselier is welcomed into Craig’s Lawyer’s Lounge to share memories of his best friend Les Shapiro. This owner of Denver’s famous Blake Street Tavern adored Colorado’s famed sportscaster, Les Shapiro, who passed away last month.
Find out why Les loved Chris too. Chris Fuselier is an accomplished restaurateur and community leader. During the pandemic, he’s battled with Governor Polis and Mayor Hancock. And Chris is not afraid to rip Donald Trump when necessary. And it is necessary. Les was the same way. Chris describes their political journey together.
Chris discusses MLB’s disastrous lockout and the fate of downtown Denver. The brave leadership of Ukraine President Zelensky, a lawyer, is saluted. Disparaged is Russian President Putin, also a law school grad. Find out why Chris thinks Les would’ve been a great lawyer.
Jessie Shapiro, age 35, is a well-spoken talented son of Les. A successful LA musician and aspiring screenwriter, we get a sampling of Jessie’s songs, and a lot of loving memories of his father Les Shapiro. This interview will make you appreciate Les and contemplate his anti-Trump activism.
Les would have been 66 on March 4, 2022. Les impacted many people in Colorado where he and wife Paula raised a fine family. Family, friends, and fans are gathering Sunday, March 6, 2022, at 1:00 pm at Blake Street Tavern just north of Coors Field. More details provided on podcast. RSVP on Facebook
With Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, World War III may be underway, and our Troubadour Dave Gunders has the perfect song, Eddie (Vladdy) Don’t Quit, about a megalomaniac who won’t stop till he’s stopped. Considered are many aspects of this dangerous situation and how to make it end.
With our segment Right Wing Media Watch, we identify and confront media that helps lead people toward authoritarianism and bigotry. This week features Lauren Boebert, Tina Peters, Megyn Kelly, Buck Sexton, congressional candidate Erik Aadland, and stars of #DenverTrumpRadio led by Peter Boyles.

Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Episode 85 - Jacob Kay – Colorado Wildlife Hero
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Rundown -
Jacob Kay - 07:33
Jacob Kay Part 2 - 44:43
Right Wing Media Watch - 57:49
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:14:28
"Every Little Problem" by Dave Gunders - 01:22:55
Here’s Colorado’s international feel-good story during this difficult winter. A thousand-pound bull moose slid off a Breckenridge slope down a window well and into the basement of a nice vacation home. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2022/01/12/moose-breckenridge-basement-window/
Enter Jacob Kay, humble and talented Colorado Parks and Wildlife district manager. Game Warden Kay took charge in extraordinary fashion to calm Mr. Moose and figure out ways to save the home, the huge antlered animal, and humans trying to help.
We’ve got the highly entertaining, educational, and exclusive interview with the resourceful hero, Jacob Kay. Take pride in our tax dollars at work. Learn about moose in Colorado and cool moose safety tips. GET SET FOR BIG TWIST SURPRISE ENDING.
Right Wing Media Watch focuses on despicable media members who betray American democracy. Laura Ingraham, Peter Boyles, Donald Trump, and Joe Oltmann all seem to be rooting for Putin. We’ve got their pathetic displays and sound analysis.
Troubadour Dave Gunders comes through with a perfect smart song named Every Little Problem, fitting the moose and Russia v Ukraine situations. We have problems. Let’s nip them in the bud. Our show is about Solutions.
The Craig Silverman Show, every Saturday morning, at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Episode 84 - Deal-Breaking Bullsh*t (Profanity Warning – Big Lie Cursing)
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Rundown -
Pam Anderson - 14:36
Matt Crane - 01:07:54
Right Wing Radio Watch - 02:22:33
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:46:04
"Don't Buy on Credit" by Dave Gunders - 02:52:29
Episode 84 featuring Pam Anderson, Matt Crane, and new segment called Right Wing Radio Watch. Plus Troubadour Dave Gunders with his song, Don’t Buy on Credit.
Since Trump’s Big Lie, leading to January 6, 2021 riot, supporting former president is a deal-breaker in a lot of relationships. Trump sycophants in GOP and right-wing media are ruinous for America. Trumpism demands we lose faith in elections essential to true democracy.
Election pros like former two-term Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder Pam Anderson are essential now. Pam’s running to become Colorado’s next Secretary of State. But will Pam stand up to Tina Peters and Trumpian election chicanery? How can Pam be better Big Lie fighter than current SOS Jena Griswold?
Get to know Pam Anderson in this candid interview. Learn Pam’s pride in her family’s political and law enforcement roots. She wants to bring integrity and honor to Colorado voting. And she’s in Colorado’s hottest primary race versus Tina Peters. Find out how Pam reacted to January 6.
Matt Crane served with distinction six years as Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder until Trump’s toxicity cost him re-election in 2018. Matt is respected and honest, and now heads up Colorado Clerk’s Association. Listen to Matt Crane call out Colorado’s Big Liars and take apart their conspiracy theories.
Right Wing Radio Watch features shocking sound from Ryan Schuling, filling in for Dan Caplis, advocating Canada-style truck blockading in America. Never in my memory has 630KHOW’s afternoon show been sullied the way Schuling did on February 11, 2022. Listen and evaluate for your own self.
Other soundbites galore this amazing radio week as Peter Boyles declared his opposition to name-calling! Attorney hosts demanded names of protesting teachers so they can be confronted in volatile Douglas County, home of George Brauchler pals like Joe Oltmann. We’ve got Kyle Clark sound and our own analysis.
The Craig Silverman Show – every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado Time.

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Episode 83 - Reasonable Republicans
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 08:43
"Sorry Isn't Good Enough" by Dave Gunders - 14:16
Quentin Young - 19:21
Rep. Matt Soper in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 01:09:30
Do reasonable Republicans exist anymore? Colorado State Representative Matt Soper (HD54 - Mesa and Delta County) provides hope. He appears a very well-educated and reasonable man as our featured guest. Listen to Rep. Soper’s apology for voting for a House GOP resolution backing January 6 Trump Big Lie coup proponents, State Senator Ron Hanks and Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters. Should Rep. Soper’s apology be accepted? Consider his words and let’s say yes.
First though, get your dancing shoes on. Listen as show Troubadour Dave Gunders sings his hard-hitting and sensational song, Sorry Isn’t Good Enough. Find out what this powerful song is actually about at the end of an interesting discussion about current bullies and abusers who threaten democracy and societal wellbeing.
Quentin Young, who heads Colorado Newsline, returns following his star appearance in Episode 64: Colorado Insurrectionists. Hear up to the minute latest about a Colorado insurrectionist death threat against Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Learn about the Castle Rock church rally where it happened on February 10 in support of recently arrested Tina Peters. Learn truths about January 6 riot.
Colorado and America need reasonable Republicans. If GOP does not break free from mobster-like Trumpism, Colorado and America have big problems. May Rep. Matt Soper prove himself the kind of reasonable Republican we need. Education helps. Matt Soper loved law school so much, he went three times and earned three law degrees. Come on reasonable educated Republicans. Stand up now.

Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Episode 82 - Forget the Alamo
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Saturday Feb 05, 2022
Rundown -
Chris Tomlinson - 11:32
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:19:09
"New Last Chance" by Dave Gunders - 01:32:33
Episode 82 highlights dangerousness of RNC Trumpers like Colorado's own Randy Corporon squelching Cheney dissent from the Big Lie and Trump Insurrection. Now, Pence takes on Trump for first time. We ponder how that will that work out.
Chris Tomlinson is a renowned AP foreign correspondent, and now a business columnist at the Houston Chronicle. He authored Forget the Alamo, The Rise and Fall of an American Myth. This true history of Texas (and Colorado) may rock your world. If you want to know the truth, that is.
William Travis, James Bowie, and Davy Crockett were not good people. A myth was fed to Americans to demonize non-whites and justify manifest destiny. On 1/29/22, Donald Trump told an adoring Texas crowd that he loves the Alamo. No wonder. Those men fought for the cause of slavery.
Chris Tomlinson reported from foreign war scenes riven by ethnic conflict. Learn the involvement of Walt Disney, John Wayne, and Phil Collins with distorting facts about the Alamo. Understand motivations some have for distorting history. Fun fact, Chris is optimistic about America righting her ship, and explains why.
Troubadour Dave Gunders is always looking for the silver lining on any situation. That means the sun is involved as it is in most of his superb songs. New Last Chance is perfect for contemplating the fate of those poor soldiers as Santa Ana rode into San Antonio to destroy the slavers at the Alamo.
The Craig Silverman Show, every Saturday morning at 9 AM, Colorado time.