Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Episode 14 - Talking Tongues
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Talking Tongues. One effect of Covid-19 can be loss of taste. Tongue damage. Not good. My sympathies to President Trump and the First Lady. Judge Amy Coney Barrett survived Covid-19. Her charismatic Catholic community speaks in tongues. It works for her.
Dave Gunders, our Troubadour wraps up this week’s show with his fascinating song, Talking in Tongues. Our amazing guests use their tongues well as they speak with us this week.
Brian Stelter is host of CNN’s Reliable Sources and author of Hoax, Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth. When news broke late Thursday night of Trumps’ Covid-19 diagnosis, there was Brian on CNN. We caught up on Friday and discussed Trumps’ illnesses, Stelter’s book, and what happened last November on Denver Trump Radio that led to my appearance on Reliable Sources.
Craig Silverman (no relation) gets credited by Brian Stelter as the author of the term “fake news” which Trump stole and turned around to his benefit. That Craig Silverman (Canadian) is the brilliant author of Regret the Error and is a media editor for Buzzfeed. Both Craigs discuss the impact of current events including Trumps’ illnesses. Craig Silverman interviews Craig Silverman.
Ed Barad is the epitome of a successful lawyer. He’s a partner at the Brownstein law firm which is also the biggest lobbying firm in Washington, D.C. with lots of ties to Dems and Republicans. Ed is worried about America and what a second Trump term would mean. Ed just volunteered as a poll watcher and describes the Colorado voting process in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge. Ed lets loose with his harsh feelings toward Trump supporters including former friends.
Brian Stelter - 00:02:30
Impactful Sound - 00:22:55
Craig Silverman; Craig Silverman - 00:40:24
Ed Barad in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge - 01:14:38
Dave Gunders - 01:56:12

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Episode 13 - Spencer Haywood
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Spencer Haywood! When I was a Denver adolescent with hoop dreams, an older teen came to town and taught us all about big-time basketball. Not in the Denver Prep League, or college, but in the American Basketball Association where Haywood starred for the Denver Rockets. 30 points and 20 rebounds a game. Can you imagine? 1970 ABA Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player. I saw it happen.
This NBA Hall of Famer tells me about his love for Denver, how he got screwed by racist and anti-Semitic Rockets’ ownership. Spencer Haywood fought all the way to the US Supreme Court for his right to next play in the NBA where he was a star in Seattle, and played after for Knicks, Jazz, Lakers, and Bullets. This 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist (USA’s leading scorer/rebounder) spoke with me about racism in the sixties and today. This civil rights trailblazer paved the way for Kobe, LeBron, and Jamal. Speaking of which, find out that Haywood is rooting big time for Denver to beat the Lakers.
Also rooting hard for our Nuggets is Mario Nicolais, my columnist colleague at the Colorado Sun, and an outstanding lawyer. Mario, a self-described conservative, discusses what has happened to his Republican party and we discuss what has happened to talk radio in the age of Trump. In Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge, Mario reveals his selections in the presidential and Colorado U.S. Senate race.
Covering the U.S. Senate race in Colorado is ace reporter Jesse Paul who works for the Colorado Sun. Jesse gives us the latest on John Hickenlooper versus Cory Gardner and all things political in Colorado. Jesse also discusses the COVID crisis and what is happening at Colorado College and the University of Colorado. Find out why Jesse is the reporter to read for Colorado news.
Apropos of the season (Yom Kippur on Sunday eve) and in celebration of Spencer’s brave recovery from his cocaine addiction, our Troubadour Dave Gunders has a perfect song, “Somebody Help Me.” Spencer Haywood pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and has gained lots of wisdom in his 70 years. Never in a million years did I imagine I’d someday be interviewing Haywood, but I just did, and it was terrific.
Spencer Haywood - 00:01:37
Dave Gunders - 00:51:52
Jesse Paul - 01:11:11
Mario Nicolais in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge - 01:39:37

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Episode 12 - Rosh Hashanah
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Rosh Hashanah! A new start with a new year. Right on time. Just what we needed. In an age when humans need to pray most, our congregations are either socially distanced, closed, outdoors, or on-line. But it is an interesting thing about talking to the Almighty. Everybody does it differently. In their own time. In their own way. Some even podcast.
Dave Gunders, our Troubadour, has written a beautiful song called Good to Believe. The story behind the song is sensational and should make you fall further for our musical pal and dedicated dad.
Scott Levin was a hugely successful Colorado lawyer who gave it up a decade ago to become Regional Director of the Mountain States Anti-Defamation League. The ADL is on top of major threats to our civilization and the Jewish people. For example, Michelle Malkin.
Further on top of those threats is famed American University history professor Allan Lichtman. This Washington D.C. resident is good friends with Bob Woodward and listen to his description of how Bob’s encounters with the Donald have made Bob feel, frightened for our country. Professor Lichtman perceives and explains the many threats Trump poses to our democratic republic. And wait till you hear Lichtman’s takedown of AG Bill Barr.
There is more reason to celebrate than just Rosh Hashanah 5781. Our Denver Nuggets are in the Western Conference Finals in this oddest NBA season ever. I’m loving the action and excitement and we talk about what it all means with the Altitude Sports’ voice of the Nuggets, Olympic Gold Volleyball champ, Chris Marlowe. Bring it on LeBron.
5780 was a tumultuous mess. Let us hope and pray 5781 will be better. So much of that will depend on November 3 and what we do to work toward the right result. May 5781 be a sweet year for you and your loved ones and America. And for the Nuggets.
Scott Levin in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge - 3:30
Dave Gunders - 36:50
Allan Lichtman - 48:15
Chris Marlowe - 1:20:00

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Episode 11 - Talk Radio
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Talk Radio. Not good. Not since hosts and management sold out to Trump. Joe Walsh was a syndicated star at Salem Media till he jumped off Trump Train. Joe and I discuss true Salem stories. Prager & Hewitt. Larry Elder too. Damning truths are told by former Tea Party leader.
Walsh is a former GOP Congressman now fighting to save the country by opposing Trump and his enablers. Joe knows Cory Gardner well from Congress and he will tell you whether to vote for Gardner now. I shook up Joe with this question, “What happens if Trump wins?”
Cole Wist, former Colorado state legislator and Assistant House Minority Leader announces that he, as a stalwart Republican, is voting for Cory Gardner and Joe Biden. Cole and I go back and forth in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge about the Bob Woodward quotes showing Trump disrespected all of us as he hid the truth about Covid. We also talk about creeping fascism and dangers posed to our families and country.
Jean Guerrero is author of Hatemonger, the best book out there about Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller, a powerful advocate for white nationalism. Miller gets along great with his boss, President Trump. Both are big fans of talk radio. Miller appeared 69 times on Larry Elder Show when he was at Santa Monica High School. David Horowitz heard Miller and saw a rising star. Guerrero got sit down interviews with David Horowitz who is now furious about her book. Hear all about it on my podcast.
Dave Gunders, our Troubadour, asks us to Give it Up. And the message of that song has never been more germane.
Joe Walsh - 4:05
Jean Guerrero 39:39
Cole Wist in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge P1 - 1:11:02
Cole Wist in Craig's Lawyers Lounge P2 - 2:02:01
Dave Gunders - 2:27:41

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Episode 10 - Breaking Up
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Breaking Up. It is hard to do. So sang Neil Sedaka and countless crooners in one form or another. Our Troubadour Dave Gunders has the better break-up song for this historic Trump era. Called “Hole in the Head,” it echoes a phrase Dave and I heard from our mothers. “We need that like a hole in the head!”
In other words, stay away from certain relationships and bad associations. If you find yourself so entangled, get out. Now! Your survival and happiness depend on it. It is not a close call. Some people are toxic. Like President Donald Trump. We must break away just like his ex-wives.
Prominent lawyer, Lyle Wallace, is a partner/member at Denver’s oldest law firm, Sherman & Howard. Maybe the partners and clients do not like it, but Lyle had to take a stand. He authored a fiery op-ed in the Denver Post telling the world his opposition to Donald Trump and why he, as a life-long Republican, was going to vote all Dem this year, to REPUDIATE TRUMP.
To stand with Trump now is inexcusable. Our President is a bullying bigot who this week told people to vote twice and sided with a 17 year old AR-15 toting Trumper vigilante mass shooter in Wisconsin. The highest rated show in the history of The Craig Silverman Show featured William Sulton in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge. William returns – from Wisconsin - to tell us what is really going down in Kenosha. William Sulton has roots in Colorado and Wisconsin, and is now the President of the ACLU of Wisconsin.
Happy Pandemic Labor Day. Tom Woodard has been working hard his whole life making his living in the game of golf. Golf is booming and Tom is working hard as head pro at The Meadows. A proud African American and Manual HS grad, we talk civil rights, Trump, Shane Bertsch, Calvin Peete, Denver Prep League Golf, NCAA golf, and the multitudinous Halls of Fame in which Tommy is enshrined. And oh yes, we talk about City Park Golf Course – old and new. Oh my, the views from the new clubhouse are spectacular. Join us.
William Sulton - 9:22
Dave Gunders - 38:34
Impactful Sound - 47:09
Tom Woodard - 1:09:47
Lyle Wallace - 1:49:56

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Episode 9 - Don’t Quit
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Quitters never win. We need to win the hearts and minds of the American people. Don’t quit on democracy. Defeat Donald Trump.
America is not Trump’s country club. Don’t let him cheat to win another club championship where he makes up all the rules and somehow gets others to go along. Former Colorado Speaker of the House of Representatives, Terrance Carroll, returns to Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge ready for the fight.
@speakercarroll is an attorney, cop, and clergyman. He also was Colorado’s first and only black House speaker. We discuss Kenosha, racism, justice and what it was like for Terrance to recently be deployed around Colorado’s state Capitol.
Excitement and joy fill my broadcast as Colorado’s own pro golfing stud, Shane Bertsch, age 50, joins me fresh off his victory on the PGA Champions Tour at the Charles Schwab event in the Ozarks. Shane tells us what it’s like to never say die, keep pursuing a dream, and realize victory, fame and fortune in only his second Senior Tour tourney. Wisdom and perspective aplenty from this champion golfer and person.
Troubadour Dave Gunders pleasures us with his cool original composition called “Eddie Don’t Quit.” And I analyze the IMPACTFUL SOUND of this most consequential week.
Terrance Caroll in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge P1 - 05:55
Terrance Caroll in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge P2 - 30:16
Dave Gunders - 51:59
Shane Bertsch P1 - 59:34
Shane Bertsch P2 - 1:25:09

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Episode 8 - Morning Light
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Morning light. The world starts anew. We open our eyes. Most of us wait till the sun is in the summer sky but not those who have to rise early for work. For many years, famed meteorologist Marty Coniglio woke in the wee hours of the morning to be part of the wake-up crew at 9News.
Others just love the morning. That is true for our Troubadour, Dave Gunders, who gifts us this week with his beautiful song, Light of the Morning. And the story behind it goes back to pre-WWII Germany before the Nazis seized total power and imposed its murderous fascism.
Marty Coniglio lost his job by tweeting a photo of Nazi brownshirts under a Swastika with the words: “Federal Police in cities . . . now where have I seen that before?” Marty knows too much and that includes science. He is repulsed by trump and wants him repudiated in the coming election. Learn about how that decision has affected Marty and his family and what he has to say now about his television employer. The very first time Marty’s commenting on the situation of his termination will be on this show.
Special guest in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge is former Denver DA Mitch Morrissey. Mitch speaks out on DNA nailing the Golden State Killer, rampant destruction in the government end of Colorado’s capital city, and how the JonBenet Ramsey grand jury ended with an indictment of the Ramseys which the DA would not sign. Mitch has a surprising answer when asked to choose between Biden and Trump. Give a listen.
Marty Coniglio P1 - 3:24
Dave Gunders 30:17
Marty Coniglio P2 - 43:38
Marty Coniglio P3 - 1:53:42
Mitch Morrissey in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge P1 - 2:57:06
Mitch Morrissey in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge P2 - 3:43:16

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Episode 7 - Tree Chopping
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
A worthy endeavor for a lumberjack. Wood is good. Paper products, housing and real fireplaces need good wood. But what about trees destroyed for no good reason?
Few reporters ever sold more newspapers and magazines than legendary sports columnist Rick Reilly. This talented Boulder native knows Donald Trump from celebrity and sports circles. Rick is not impressed especially after researching his bestseller, Commander in Cheat – How Golf Explains Trump. What an honor to be joined for a funny, wide-ranging discussion with this world class journalist.
Among the many egregious acts of Donald Trump was his chopping down a grove of trees along the banks of the Potomac River so golfers at his Trump Washington National Golf Club could see the famous river Washington once crossed. Trump got fined but he didn’t care. After all, didn’t George Washington once cut down a nearby cherry tree?
Dave Gunders, our show’s Troubadour, weighs in with his perfect song about a mighty two-hundred-year-old oak tree felled by a rich fool who felt entitled. Notwithstanding is the most impassioned song you will ever hear about a tree that got chopped down. You’ll love the song and its creator.
We look at the rampant destruction wrought by our President in his effort to avoid accountability for his actions. Elections are all about accountability. Trump is now messing with the US Postal Service to cheat to avoid the outcome he so richly deserves. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold will not let it happen on her watch. Jena joins me in a special session of Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge.
Rick Reilly - 4:15
Dave Gunders - 52:39
Jena Griswold in Craig's Lawyer's Lounge - 1:23:37
Craig's Poetry Corner - 1:41:45
Craig V. KNUS Part 1 - 1:45:21

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Episode 6 - News Makers
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
My Saturday morning podcast covers four big news stories. First guest, famous former Denver cop DARIL CINQUANTA (the Blue Chameleon) just caught escaped convict who shot him over 40 years ago.
SPENCER KUVIN, Palm Beach, Florida victims’ rights’ attorney tells us how his clients and he started cases against Epstein and Maxwell and what he fears will happen to Ghislane now. Wow! What a session of Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge, which stays open to welcome Denver immigration attorney extraordinaire, HANS MEYER, who just won Johnson v Barr in the Tenth Circuit.
No sports story bigger for me than Rockies on fire out of the gate. Maybe this is our half-year! Remember Rocktober with my special guest, PATRICK SAUNDERS from the Denver Post, who bats clean-up and hits grand slam discussing his amazing Denver history, his old man, and covering the Rockies in this pandemic era.
Troubadour Dave Gunders sings and talks our problems away with his epic pandemic song, Nothing the Wind Can’t Blow.
The Craig Silverman Show – new episodes air Saturday mornings 9 – 12 or online anytime at www.thecraigsilvermanshow.com
Daril Cinquanta - 2:41
Spencer Kuvin - 26:05
Dave Gunders - 53:19
Hans Meyers - 1:03:09
Patrick Saunders - 1:36:57

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Episode 5 - Civil Rights
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
CIVIL RIGHTS! We all have civil rights. Some people hire me to enforce those rights. Other times, I seek to protect civil rights through my free speech into a microphone. Or through my penning columns as Columnist at Large for the Colorado Sun.
The passing of Rep. John Lewis has got me focused on civil rights and the sacrifices necessary to make civil rights happen. Bloody Sunday in Selma concerned the right to vote and joined in line that Sunday to try to cross that Edmund Pettus Bridge were young and brave John Lewis, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, all now of blessed memory. Three American civil rights heroes. There were others. There still are lots of others.
We commemorate Colorado Day by celebrating civil rights champions with the only child of Rabbi Heschel, Dartmouth College Professor Susannah Heschel. In Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge is law professor and unfair housing expert, Professor Stefan Krieger. The veteran law school professor had his whole life changed by MLK and Rabbi Heschel. Andrew Struttman is a bright GOP political pro who put it all on the line to call out Michelle Malkin on the pages of the Denver Post. He gives a brilliant interview on this week’s episode. Troubadour Dave Gunders brings us back to Earth with a special song and beautiful words.
Enjoy your civil rights and get ready to win with wisdom and a good soul on this week’s episode of The Craig Silverman Show.
Susannah Heschel - 3:40
Andrew Struttmann - 49:00
Dave Gunders - 1:36:45
Stefan Kriegar - 1:55:13