Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Episode 4 - Deep Down
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Are people good or bad? Are we considerate or selfish bastards? Colorado Governor Jared Polis knew some scofflaws, realizing there was not much punishment behind his mask mandate, would act like selfish bastards, emulating the President of the United States.
Donald Trump is sending secret police into American cities and we talk about that outrage with former Congressman John LeBoutilliier. He’s a Republican disgusted by Trump and his cult of Trumpsters. Dr. Mark Johnson, Executive Director of Jefferson County Colorado Health, answers Craig’s questions about Trump, this pandemic, Banadamere, Randy Corporon and what people are really like; deep down.
Dave Gunders, our Troubadour, tells Craig the meaning behind his outstanding song: Deep Down.
Showstopper today is Michelle Malkin, a veteran conservative pundit, not used to getting questioned by a non-adoring host. No one on Denver Trump radio dares question her about the anti-Jew lowlifes she props up as “Mommy Groyper.” Apparently, the hosts on Denver’s conservative Trump radio don’t mind some Jew hating associations among their heroes. Wait till you hear my hard questions and how Ms. Malkin responded. You’ve rarely heard anything like this.
Don’t expect hard questions for Malkin, Corporon or their ilk on Denver Trump radio where Peter Boyles rules the roost and Malkin is celebrated for almost getting “hurt” in Denver last Sunday. It is hard to believe that DPD wanted that “celebration” last Sunday. Chief told Corporon and his Proud Boys and America Firsters no thank you, but there was a reaction to be provoked. And boy, was it ever. No one covers Denver and Colorado like the Craig Silverman Show.
Dr. Nedra Downing Part 1- 7:37
Michelle Malkin- 23:39
Samantha Koch- 1:07:39
Dr. Mark Johnson- 1:40:58
Dave Gunders- 2:12:54
John LeBoutillier- 2:27:53
Dr. Nedra Downing Part 2- 2:50:49
Michael Bailey in Craig's Lawyers Lounge- 3:05:28

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Episode 3 - Bank Job
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Theme this week is Bank Job – just when we thought we were getting to other side, we have hit the bank, and are going back again. Craig urges folks to follow Fauci and critiques flat earthers on Trump train. And then there are Bank Jobs as in bank robberies, including discussion of 1991 United Bank Massacre with then Denver DA Norman Strickland Early, Jr. Norm and Craig reminisce, and then tackle Trump and who should be Biden’s VP. Craig and Rick Sallinger from Channel Four talk about the pandemic era case of Jeffco v Bandimere. Political pro Laura Chapin kicks off show with her political analysis followed by Colorado Sun boss man, Larry Ryckman. The Craig Silverman Show Troubadour, Dave Gunders, delivers a classic about a bank job committed by a man named Billy B.
30:08 - Laura Chapin
1:05:35 - Larry Ryckman
1:28:24 - Dave Gunders
1:48:44 - Rick Sallinger
2:22:18 - Norm Early Jr.

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Episode 2 - Summer Heat
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Craig brings summer heat with sizzling guests. Colo AG Phil Weiser talks Elijah McClain, Greenwood Village, bigotry & more in Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge. Jeremy Jojolla from 9News shines as he IDs Nazis in Colorado. Mike Nelson from Channel 7 is always welcome truth teller about climate and Covid. We needed a DC insider. Few better than Eli Stokols, White House reporter for the LA Times.
Phil Weiser- 6:55
Jeremy Jojolla- 42:50
Dave Gunders- 1:33:00
Mike Nelson- 1:44:15
Eli Stokols- 2:10:45

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Episode 1 - Independence Day
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
The Craig Silverman Show is back in action!
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge is back and so is the guest scheduled for that aborted third hour on November 16, 2019. Scott Robinson has been a renowned Colorado lawyer for more than four decades. He has been the legal analyst at 9 News for 25 years. Normally, Scott keeps his politics to himself, but not on this Independence Day. Scott Robinson roasts President Trump! Listen to his reasons why.
And speaking of good listening, The Craig Silverman Show podcast has a Troubadour. His name is David Gunders and he has worked as a popular musician for many decades. Dave has a song for every occasion. This show airs his classic, Fourth of July.
Here is what I predict. Trump is toxic in Colorado. Cory Gardner is finished and so is any Republican running for office in metro Denver. After the Republican rout, conservatives will turn to politicians who stuck their neck out and opposed Trump. No one on the GOP side in Colorado has done that more than former Republican State Rep. Victor Mitchell who came in second to Walker Stapleton in the 208 GOP primary.
Vic Mitchell is back and let me give you a hint, he has not grown fonder of Donald J. Trump. Vic and I also discuss Hamilton which was a game changing event for me. A work of genius, we celebrate on The Craig Silverman Show the Disney plus release of this remarkable play.
Remember when I went to broadcast from the White House on 7/27/17? I do. That is when my son Sam and I drove from DC up to NYC to see the show and Hamilton’s grave, and then came back to D.C. through Philly. Please join us.

Monday Jun 29, 2020
The Craig Silverman Show
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Introducing the ALL NEW show...
The Craig Silverman Show - Saturdays from 9am - Noon