Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Episode 200 - John Jackson and Ken Toltz
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Rundown -
John Jackson and Ken Toltz - 03:51
This bicentennial episode of The Craig Silverman Show features a special mixture of sidebar podcasts, Craig’s Colorado Corner (panel show) and Craig’s Colorado Homefront (WWIII?) with our two favorite foreign correspondents.
Show dedicated to the memory of the late Alexei Navalny, killed by Putin, something ignored by Trump/Putin friendly MAGA-GOQP media. Discussed also are implications of Russian disinfo via Alexander Smirnov.
The world is at an inflection point as democracies and freedom are under threat in Israel, Ukraine and the USA. We discuss Super Tuesday results and their impact on each nation. Nikki Haley’s equivocation, Mitch McConnell’s departure and US S/Ct rulings analyzed.
Elon Musk gets discussed, as he must be, given his role now openly helping Putin and Trump. Armed Forces of Ukraine soldier (via Colorado), John Jackson, explains why the battlespace of Twitter (X) mustn't be surrendered. YouTube as well.
Ken Toltz explains the sadness pervading Israel as the Netanyahu government keeps letting people down and ancient enemies are at the doorstep. Every day is sad since October 7 and this native Denverite gives his view from the riven Holy Land.
The violent June 18. 1984, Denver assassination of Alan Berg gets remembered again as a predicate to the authoritarian hate that is consuming parts of the planet now. Ken Toltz proudly tried to defeat isolationist authoritarian MAGA antecedent, Tom Tancredo, back in 2000.
This bicentennial show addresses the growing MAGA fascist threat and what a Trump victory means for Ukraine, Israel, America, freedom and democracy. These are big issues discussed with brilliant passionate guests who have stakes in this war.
The Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz's trip to Washington DC gets reviewed and approved. Benjamin Gantz is better than Benjamin Netanyahu, who is corrupt and an easy mark for mobster autocrats. Volodomor Zelensky remains rock solid after surviving an attack in Crimea.
The Craig Silverman Show - at age 200 - hopes to make a positive impact in the pro-democracy movement. Listen to John Jackson quote Ronald Reagan. Freedom is not free. But this podcast is free and we want you to enjoy, appreciate, learn and share.

Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Episode 199 - Dani Newsum
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Rundown -
Dani Newsum in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 12:34
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:40:38
"Billy B and the Fair Skinned Girl" by Dave Gunders - 01:44:34
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge opens wide to welcome Dani Newsum. She's a trained civil rights attorney, who spent decades as a formidable panelist on Colorado Inside Out where she often argued with Craig and David Kopel and many others. Dani can be feisty.
Nowadays, Dani Newsum is the director of strategic partnerships at Cobalt, a Colorado pro-abortion rights group that had a friendly split from NARAL Pro-Choice America in January 2020 to focus on state-level battles and reproductive rights advocacy within Colorado. OMG, the battles now, post-Dobbs.
Dani explains what Donald Trump has meant for female reproductive freedom and how Cobalt is fighting back with Ballot Initiative 89 which will place women’s right to choose enshrined in Colorado’s Constitution.
Dani Newsum was raised by the remarkable Fitzroy “Buck” Newsum who has a substantially correct Wikipedia page but for his birth date and the picture of him as a young airman. A decorated Tuskegee Airman, Colonel Newsum was a Congressional Gold Medal recipient. Dani’s mom Joan is special too.
Learn how Dani Newsum decided to be an attorney, and then a civil rights advocate. She attended Denver’s Thomas Jefferson High School and then became a lawyer and a talk show host on 630 KHOW. Find out some behind-the-scenes’ stories about Colorado Inside Out back in the day.
We discuss the awful decline of the Colorado Republican Party, as embodied by Lauren Boebert. We review the latest with respect to Colorado’s embarrassment in Congress. The modern media and legal landscape gets reviewed. So does Dani’s fascinating life story.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders entertains with a song reminiscent of America’s less-than-honest justice system given the recent MAGA-friendly delay moves made by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Billy B and the Fair Skinned Girl, the wise narrator sings a story of an unfair justice system.

Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Episode 198 - Amy Padden wants to be Arapahoe County DA
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Your Way Too" by Dave Gunders - 13:41
Amy Padden in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 19:28
Craig reviews speeches by Nikki Haley and Joe Biden - 01:27:58
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge welcomes back Amy Padden who seeks the job of District Attorney in Denver County’s southern suburb of dynamic and growing Arapahoe County, Colorado. Amy has a terrific prosecutorial resume working with various Colorado law enforcement agencies.
Learn how Amy grew up in Erie, PA and got her law degree at Georgetown. Marriage brought Amy Padden to Colorado and she now lives in Aurora, CO with her husband and dogs. Arapahoe County contains a wide variety of towns, villages and major cities.
Amy Padden pledges to bring a balanced approach to crime in the 18th Judicial District which for the first time has shed Lincoln, Elbert and Douglas Counties (which are becoming Colorado’s new 23rd JD). Listen and learn about Arapahoe County politics in the age of Trump and the delicacies of interacting with neighboring DAs.
Learn about Amy Padden’s passion for public service and her JAG attorney father who is proud of his accomplished daughter. Right now, Amy Padden has no opposition within her own Democratic Party and with the recent decision of incumbent GOP DA John Kellner not to run.
Find out what Amy thinks about online justice and how she prefers the personal face-to-face approach. She is reluctant to let artificial intelligence influence decisions and arguments coming out of her office if elected. Padden explains how deputies may be divided up with the 23rd JD.
Troubadour Dave Gunders brings his usual great conversation and his strong song titled, Your Way Too. An open mind is critical when interacting with humans. Do ladies listen better than men?
We wish Fani Willis would have listened to advice not to take the witness stand as cell phone records are killing her credibility and the good Georgia case against Trump, et. al. We consider the irony that Willis’ sexual indiscretion will benefit sex offender Trump.
Some powerful speeches were delivered, taking on Trump and his mobster pal, Putin. Listen to Nikki Haley stand up to bullies Putin and Trump.
Hear Joe Biden do the same thing in his own epic speech. Haley and Biden both honored the late Alexei Navalny and has consistently stood up to bullies.

Saturday Feb 17, 2024
Episode 197 - Sandy Phillips
Saturday Feb 17, 2024
Saturday Feb 17, 2024
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"World Gone Crazy" by Dave Gunders - 27:08
Sandy Phillips - 43:18
Craig's Analysis of Dan Caplis on Trump's NATO Statements - 02:38:08
Death of Alexei Navalny is dissected during Opening. Then Trump court cases are discussed, including immunity ruling stay request before the US Supreme Court, the Fani Willis developments and the NY business fraud.
Also covered is the allegation Alexander Smirnov bore false witness against Joe Biden. Russian collusion?!? Donald Trump‘s betrayal of NATO is reviewed at the start of the show and also towards the end.
Inspired by a mass shooting tragedy years ago, Show Troubadour Dave Gunders composed, World Gone Crazy, his powerful song about the troubling news families receive regarding gun violence.
Jessi Ghawi lost her life at the Aurora Theater Massacre, a victim of a madman with an assault weapon of war that should not have been allowed in civilized society. Sandy Phillips, Jessi’s mother, along with her beloved husband Lonnie Phillips have been making that case ever since.
Find out more about the remarkable Sandy Phillips by listening to this comprehensive interview with one of the world's strongest mothers and gun reform advocates. Sandy Phillips’ life shattered on July 20, 2012 when she got the call at her Texas home. She’s now dedicated to helping others.
Sandy Phillips grew up a Long Beach girl who spent over a decade as a trailblazer at DisneyLand. She had remarkable encounters operating the Matterhorn roller coaster and a brief encounter with Walt Disney himself at a Disneyland restaurant. She was there at the dawn of Disney University.
Sandy Phillips moved to Texas and her daughter, Jessi Ghawi, was a proud Texas girl until she fell in love with Denver, Colorado and had the opportunity to be a sports reporter. Jessi attended Metro State while also working on sports talk radio. Jessi was a red-headed spitfire who loved Batman movies.
After experiencing the murder of their beloved daughter Jessi, Lonnie and Sandy Phillips dedicated themselves to public service. They helped write an outstanding and instructive book titled Tragedy in Aurora: The Culture of Mass Shootings in America. Sandy discussed the court process and what it was like working with DA George Brauchler.
Sandy Phillips reacts to the Kansas City Chiefs celebration parade shooting. PUNCH! “People United – No Children’s Handguns!” successes at a 1993 Colorado Special Session reviewed. 1993 Montbello murder of Theron Hicks by Danny Akers with a Mac-11 recalled. If more guns made us safer, we would be the safest country in the world.
Sandy Phillips is delightful as she recounts her amazing encounters with celebrities like Peyton Manning, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and many more. Learn how Sandy Phillips has started her own organization, Survivors Empowered. Consider joining as well!
Sandy Phillips can now find some happiness again. She is still grieving and healing, but she has a message as she travels from one mass murder scene to another, from Sandy Hook to Buffalo to Uvalde. Sandy’s daughter Jessi is honored on this show. So is Jaime Guttenberg, as we remember Parkland.
Donald Trump wants his base to have as many assault weapons as possible. His retribution will be bad, as modeled after Navalny’s experience. Vlad Putin is a scourge and at the end of the show, we discuss Dan Caplis' claim that Trump’s NATO threats were meant to be funny. That’s sick. And dangerous.

Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Episode 196 - Leora Joseph wants to be Denver District Attorney
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Rundown -
Leora Joseph in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 21:34
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:39:47
"Worry No More" by Dave Gunders - 02:04:31
Consequential 2024 events are happening with Colorado’s insurrection case and Trump’s immunity claim, going down in flames. We discussed the Elena Kagan question that doomed the Norma Anderson side of Trump v. Anderson. And also discuss Biden’s aging problem.
Leora Joseph is an experienced prosecutor who wants to be elected Denver District Attorney in 2024. Joseph has a huge job right now managing behavioral health for the state of Colorado under the appointment of Governor Jared Polis. She’s headed up vital child welfare, human trafficking and domestic violence units in Boston and suburban Denver.
Enter Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge with Leora Joseph, a proud Jewish wife, mother, daughter and attorney. Learn about her rabbinical father and upbringing in Montreal. Law also runs deep in her family. Mental health is a special focus of this experienced law enforcement professional. Find out how she would bring changes to Denver.
Recent Denver appearance of Noa Tishby on Wednesday night gets reviewed. The Jewish Colorado event that brought together over 1000 people to a packed event is reviewed. The interview of the Israeli actress and entrepreneur, Noa Tishby, was expertly handled by Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.
Troubadour Dave Gunders entertains with his song "Worry No More." Current events get reviewed in a lively session, before Dave pulls out his guitar and gives sampling of his nascent solo singing career beginning with a Littleton, CO gig on 2/9/24 at The Alley. We get the Troubadour ready to entertain.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Rundown -
Mario Nicolais - 05:23
Alan Molk - 41:28
Leora Joseph - 47:03
Ed Barad - 55:15
Albert Alschuler - 01:01:28
Rich Kaudy - 01:20:54
John Jackson - 01:30:20
Special times called for special podcasts. Craig’s Colorado Corner features six accomplished attorneys reacting to the immunity ruling by the DC Circuit on 2.6.24 and the upcoming insurrection (Trump v. Anderson) oral argument on 2.8.24 before the United States Supreme Court.
Attorney for lead party Norma Anderson is friend of the podcast, Mario Nicolais, who joins us from Washington D.C on the late Tuesday night before the big Thursday argument. It was Mario who found Norma Anderson to be lead plaintiff in Trump v. Anderson, as wonderfully described in this top trending article in the Washington Post.
Mario Nicolais cross-examined Rep. Ken Buck at the Denver District Court trial where Trump was found to have committed insurrection. We discuss that experience and how Ken Buck just threw monkey wrench in GOP plans to impeach Mayorkas. Big things are happening in Washington DC including this podcast!
Listen to what it's like for Mario to be in the thick of American history. Learn how the Immunity case ruling bodes well for the Anderson side. Mario Nicolais gives his ranking of the best amicus briefs as legal scholars and historians weigh in.
Alan Molk is a Colorado attorney for over four decades with a tremendously successful civil justice practice. A former Arapahoe County prosecutor, Molk diplays fine humor and perspectives regarding dangerous MAGA fascism and the responsibilities of lawyers to demand and defend the Rule of Law.
Leora Joseph is passionate about the US Constitution and Rule of Law too. She has served as a top level prosecutor in numerous offices before taking on her current job as Director, Office of Civil & Forensic Mental Health, State of Colorado. Leora Joseph wants to be Dever District Attorney and she’s calling out MAGA.
Ed Barad, a retired partner at the powerhouse Denver law firm, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, joins us from the summit of Steamboat Ski Mountain to tell us about his glee that the DC Circuit ruled against Trump immunity. Ed also provides us his wise counsel handicapping the outcome of the Colorado ballot DQ case.
Professor Emeritus Albert Alschuler is the renowned law professor who taught Craig at CU Law before serving decades afterwards as an esteemed professor at Chicago Law. Jonathan Mitchell, the advocate for Trump on 2.8.24 in the US Supreme Court, was Professor Alschuler’s bright pupil. Hear all about it.
Richard Kaudy is one of Colorado’s best civil litigators. He’s outspoken in defense of the Rule of Law and is Colorado’s Senior Life Fellow with the American Board of Trial Advocates. Rule of Law is important to Rich and he gives us fiery rants in support of justice.
John Jackson is a freedom fighter. A member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this Colorado man gives us a non-lawyer perspective on what these MAGA court battles mean to the cause of freedom in America and Ukraine. Follow John’s new social media ventures on X and YouTube.

Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Episode 194 - Tom Costello and Rick Sallinger
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Easier Said Than Done" by Dave Gunders - 11:37
Tom Costello - 16:41
Rick Sallinger - 54:33
Who can you trust in the news industry? Tom Costello and Rick Sallinger. Rick just retired after 30 years at CBS4 in Denver. He worked many years before that at 9News, and CNN. Tom’s going strong as Senior Correspondent at NBC News.
This podcast is apolitical because so are our journalist guests who pride themselves on their objectivity and professionalism. Find out how they achieved so much in TV News. Learn about them both meeting wives while assigned in Europe.
Never has news gathering been more important. Find out who these guys admire and why. Each describes his rise through the ranks at 9 News, with lots of reminiscing about infamous Colorado criminal cases.
Tom Costello is NBC’s space and aviation expert who's made fascinating documentaries on topics ranging from Sub Hunt: Nato on Patrol for Russian Subs to Battleground Space.
Tom Costello grew up in Littleton, CO and well remembers his days as a general assignment reporter for 9News. No matter where he is in the world, be it homes in London, Brussels, NYC and DC areas, Tom’s heart remains in Centennial State.
Rick traveled the world after leaving his native Chicago and realized Colorado was the place to live his life. Raising two boys with his wife in Colorado, Rick takes pride in sons Mark, a newsman and Eric, an MD in training. Family pride shows in this heartfelt interview.
Among many cases discussed are the Alan Berg assassination in Denver, the alleged Kobe Bryant rape in Eagle County, the OKC Bombing trials and cases involving the late Demaryious Thomas. Rick is a Colorado legend.
Troubadour Dave Gunders joins host to discuss US missile strike retaliation on Iranian outposts in Syria and Iraq. Also touched on are delays in Trump trial in this otherwise apolitical episode featuring the song, Easier Said than Done.

Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Episode 193 - John Walsh wants to be Denver DA
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Tarred and Feathered" by Dave Gunders - 14:02
John Walsh in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 19:20
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge welcomes John Walsh, former US Attorney for District of Colorado under President Obama, who is now seeking the job of Denver DA in this year’s election. Find out what makes this Stanford Law grad tick.
Show begins with Troubadour Dave Gunders and host discussing dynamic guest, John Walsh and the remarkable $83.3 million dollar verdict in favor of E Jean Carroll against Donald J. Trump in US District Court in NYC. Opening dialogue addresses what happens next. Next, to honor the verdict against female abuser Trump, we play Tarred and Feathered, a funny song of revenge by Dave Gunders.
Learn about John Walsh growing up in metro Denver and serving as a clerk in DC Circuit Court. Walsh went on to be an Assistant US Attorney in Los Angeles in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Once back in Denver, John Walsh has had successful law practices and raised his three kids in the Mile High City.
The MAGA threat on US democracy and Rule of Law is reviewed. John Walsh worked hard to fight the Big Lie in the courts of Michigan during November and December 2020. Listen to how difficult and tense that litigation became.
Find out about the big names that John Walsh has interacted with along the way. Adam Schiff, Joyce Vance, Preet Bharara, Elena Kagan, Ken Salazar, Bill Ritter, Norm Early, Beth McCann and Barack Obama get name dropped.
The January 6 insurrection followed Trump’s Big Lie and John Walsh wants folks to follow the ruling of renowned Reagan appointed federal Judge Lamberth who has sized up the effect of relentless MAGA propaganda.
Lamberth wrote, “In my 37 years on the bench, I cannot recall a time when such meritless justifications of criminal activity have gone mainstream. I have been dismayed to see distortions and outright falsehoods seep into the public consciousness.”
The MAGA threat to Rule of Law is thoroughly reviewed. Denver feels the impact of too many social and political problems, but remains one of the great cities in the world.
This podcast is a love letter to Denver, even with her flaws, where John Walsh wants to be Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Size up would be Denver District Attorney, his personality and professional qualifications.

Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Episode 192 - Denver Riggleman
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Rundown -
Denver Riggleman - 07:12
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:19:30
"Nothing the Wind Can't Blow" by Dave Gunders - 01:24:53
Denver Riggleman, former U.S. Rep. from rural Virginia, and key J6 Select Committee tech contributor, provides entertaining, insightful discussion. Riggleman's book, "The Breach - The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th," is a gripping story expertly told.
With unique insights from business, Congressional, military, and intelligence worlds, Riggleman reveals how disinformation by MAGA has endangered our democracy. Learn about the January 6th committee's inner workings and former Rep. Riggleman’ role.
Find out all about the Colorado experiences of this Virginian named Denver, just as his father and grandfather had been named Denver before him. Former Rep. Riggleman has many Colorado stories including memorable barrel rolls in USAF bombers over metro Denver.
We learn of Riggleman’s interesting journey from Manassas, VA to Air Force, business, and the halls of Congress, elected in 2018. He joined the Freedom Caucus and realized he could not abide its bigotries and cultish MAGA embrace. Stories about white supremacy around the Congressional GOP campfire.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders brings his best song reminiscent of Appalachia. Nothing the wind Can’t Blow is a song about maternal love dedicated to Denver’s wife, Christine, the hooch Mama at his Silverback Distillery.

Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Episode 191 - Ben Meiselas
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Rundown -
Ben Meiselas in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 08:16
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:22:16
"Come On in My Kitchen" by Dave Gunders - 01:28:49
Brilliant attorney Ben Meiselas leads the Meidas Touch Network, a multimedia company dedicated to preserving American democracy against the MAGA assault now happening in America. Find out how Ben became so smart, fun and capable of problem solving.
Listen and learn from a master legal communicator who has become a major force in exposing MAGA idiocracy meeting fascism which now threatens our USA. Ben and his Meidas Mighty fight back with the truth on many fine podcasts and sites.
Meidas Touch spread the viral and apparently accurate news that Trump smells bad. This was reported via Ben Meiselas’ interview of former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger. #TrumpSmells started trending and next thing you know, the Meidas’ clip was on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Learn the Ben Meiselas story, including his Long Island upbringing with his co-star younger brothers. As the oldest child, Ben has always assumed a leadership and main conductor role. Meiselas has the right talent and sense of humor to lead a vital new pro-democracy media movement.
A natural born problem solver, Ben Meiselas lays out facts which damn Donald Trump but he does it with a friendly, professional tone. Ben has passion but is never over the top. Find out what motivates this lawyer at the tip of the spear of pro-democracy broadcasters.
Ben Meiselas has Colorado connections including taking the deposition of John Elway as he represented Colin Kaepernick in that terminated quarterback’s legal claim against the NFL. Ben's a USC Law prof too. Learn why Ben Meiselas has made other legal trips to Colorado on cases.
Find out what happens behind the scenes for this busy Sports Law professor at USC Law School. Meiselas' parents were also attorneys but no one has ever had a practice quite like Ben. It's a new media world and Meidas Touch is well positioned.
We discuss his extraordinarily talented legal and podcast colleagues, Karen Friedman Agnafilo and Michael Popok. We also discuss Ben’s Political beatdown partner, former attorney Trump, Michael Cohen. Credit also thrown toward superb Ron Filipkowski, Editor in Chief at Meidas.
Colorado S/Ct case discussed with Ben Meiselas predicting U.S. Sup Ct. will avoid the insurrection issue and find a way to keep Trump on the ballot (constitutional avoidance). We discuss Roger Stone and other MAGA loser loyalists who may use AI for Deep Fake campaigning and disinformation.
Ben Meiselas, Esq. stands in the breach, protecting America one podcast at a time. He’s fun, smart and brave. This is one heck of an interesting podcast. We size up Joe Biden’s good mental health as witnessed by Ben a couple months ago in Pueblo, Colorado as he ripped on Lauren Boebert.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders comes through again with a cold weather song worthy of an Arctic Blast now descending during the Iowa Caucus. “Come On In My Kitchen” is a fascinating tune about anger and surviving emotions and the elements.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time