Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Jan 06, 2024
Episode 190 - Corey Hutchins and Judge Luttig Interview Highlights and Analysis
Saturday Jan 06, 2024
Saturday Jan 06, 2024
Rundown -
Judge Luttig Interview Highlights and Analysis - 00:36
Corey Hutchins - 51:05
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:54:58
"Whatever the Future May Bring" by Dave Gunders - 02:17:22
Show begins by analyzing the best parts of a historic interview with Judge Luttig. On February 8, 2024, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Colorado Supreme Court case. Take a listen to the logic of Judge Luttig and how so much of this occurred in Colorado.
Corey Hutchins is Co-Director of The Colorado College Journalism Institute and a Contributor to the Columbia Journalism Review. In addition, he authors the Colorado Sun's Hutchins' Year in Review.
Hutchins discusses his article and the state of Colorado's media. Hutchins discusses his article and the state of Colorado's media. We discuss the most influential news outlets, such as the Sun. Also analyzed is the decline of Colorado talk radio.
We examine the impact of artificial intelligence. There have also been closures of various Colorado media outlets. The differences and impacts of radio and podcasts are discussed. Learn how journalism is taught in colleges today.
Troubadour Dave Gunders brings terrific song for the first show of 2024. As we embark on the uncertain future brought about by Trump's insurrection, "Whatever the Future May Bring" is poignant. At Valley Forge, President Joe Biden gave an excellent speech. Learn all about it!

Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Episode 189 - Honorable Judge J. Michael Luttig
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:35
"Fire In My Hearth" by Dave Gunders - 09:37
Judge J. Michael Luttig - 15:40
Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative jurist 1991 -2006, worked as Boeing's general counsel from 2006 - 2019. Beginning his career in the Jerry Ford White House, he developed close ties with Supreme Court members and was a lawyer for President Ronald Reagan. In 1991, George H.W. Bush appointed him to the Fourth Circuit.
Republican leaders know Judge Luttig as an expert on the US Constitution, which is why VP Pence wanted Judge Luttig to weigh in publicly on whether the VP had any right to not count the electoral college votes on January 6. Thrilling US history comes alive in the captivating and vibrant narrative Judge Luttig provides.
Born in Texas, Judge Luttig became the federal appellate court judge who fed clerks like John Eastman to the most conservative members of the United States Supreme Court. Judge Luttig and the late Justice Scalia were close. Judge Luttig tells us what Scalia would do with the Article Three - 14th Amendment case. He’d affirm the Colorado Supreme Court.
Discover how Judge Luttig discovered our show—it all began with Craig Silverman's Colorado Sun column, caught by Judge Luttig during his time in Vail. Impressed, he reached out, on X of all places. Xitter played a huge role 3 Christmas breaks ago as Luttig and Pence saved democracy.
Learn more about this historic and legendary American attorney. Judge Luttig delves deep into American history, highlighting pivotal moments post Civil War, 3 years ago and last week as CO S/Ct followed his Article Three, Fourteenth Amendment trail with an epic opinion resonating across Maine and the entire nation.
Judge Luttig commends the exceptional scholarship and historical significance evident in the majority ruling of Anderson v Griswold. His expertise in Constitutional writing lends weight to his high praise. Judge Luttig's view may influence justices like Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh and conservatives who hold his opinion in high regard.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders' music sets the scene as Judge Luttig candidly shares insights, sitting by his historic Vail fireplace. “Fire in My Hearth” echoes the warmth felt for Judge and Elizabeth Luttig, honoring their pivotal role in safeguarding America. This musical ode is dedicated to their valor! Is there a special obligation on lawyers now? You bet.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Rundown -
Ken Toltz - 06:12
Bill Buckley - 59:06
Merry Christmas from The Craig Silverman Show as we bring you a special Craig’s Colorado Homefront edition focused on violence in Israel, Gaza and the United States. There are many worthy charities to which you might donate.
Special guest is our podcast’s foreign correspondent Ken Toltz live from his home in Israel, where he holds dual citizenship with the Jewish State and the United States. Ken Toltz brings us up to speed on the realities of living in Israel now on this Christmas.
Former Denver Chief Deputy District Attorney, Bill Buckley, recalls major crimes in metro Denver during the last many decades. Buckley prosecuted 55 separate murder cases. He was also there on the night Alan Berg was assassinated for being Jewish on June 18, 1984.

Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Episode 187 - Harry MacLean (author of Starkweather)
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Rundown -
Harry MacLean in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 13:07
Craig gets a call from a Lauren Boebert Staffer - 01:55:01
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 02:06:58
"When the Lion Lays Down" by Dave Gunders - 02:15:54
Big decisions confront US Supreme Court, including the case of Anderson v Griswold; the 14th Amendment, Article Three case arising out of Denver, Colorado to disqualify Trump from the presidential primary ballot.
Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge welcomes back attorney and accomplished author, Harry MacLean, who remembers meeting the host back in his Denver Chief Deputy DA days. Possible solutions to America’s violent crime epidemic are considered, including the banning of AR-15s.
In Starkweather: The Untold Story of the Killing Spree that Changed America, the award-winning author of four bestselling true-crime books, revisits America’s mid-century crime spree that affected him so much as a native Nebraskan.
Charles Starkweather, 19, and Caril Fugate, 14, terrorized Lincoln, Nebraska and areas beyond in late January of 1958. Eleven innocents were slaughtered. If you like true crime, American history and great writing, this book is for you. You can buy it online for Christmas.
Major newspaper critics are raving about Starkweather, with the Washington Post’s headline reading, “The killings that made mass murder an American obsession; Harry N. MacLean’s ‘Starkweather’ revisits a notorious midcentury crime and finally gives one woman the justice she deserves.” MacLean favorably compared to Capote and Mailer.
MacLean will have you loving his Cornhusker State despite the murder spree committed by two of their own. Or was it really one? Was Caril Fugate a hostage or a helper? The two made headlines as lovers, but was that true? Harry MacLean reaches his conclusions.
The epilogue is startling, as the author reveals personal connections. Starkweather looked like James Dean and Caril was a photogenic 14-year-old. Host and guest discuss the media sensational Christmas 1996 murder of JonBenet and also capital punishment’s utility. But only as retribution.
Harry MacLean has a book signing upcoming at the Denver Tattered Cover at 2526 E. Colfax on January 7, 2024 at 4 p.m.. This podcast will get you ready. Attend and see if you agree Sam Elliott or Joaquin Phoenix should play the MacLean part in any upcoming movie.
What’s it like to be a famous writer? Harry tells us the thrill of once seeing someone in Europe reading his classic, In Broad Daylight. Learn Harry’s writing discipline and the psychological toll this book took on a Nebraska native. MacLean is a master storyteller.
We hear a recorded call with a Lauren Boebert staffer who wants to raise money on a recorded line. We talk about impeachment and guns and Congresswoman Boebert getting drunk and handsy at the Beetlejuice Show at Denver’s downtown theater. This gets fun.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes great conversation and his Christmas classic song, When the Lion Lays Down. There's a message of peace that we need now more than ever. Children are our future.

Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Episode 186 - Brian Stelter
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Rundown -
Brian Stelter - 27:04
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:02:33
"Simple Man" by Dave Gunders - 01:08:22
The star of CNN’s Reliable Sources, Brian Stelter, returns for the first time since his show was canceled. He’s the author of the new bestseller, Network of Lies: The Epic Saga of Fox News, Donald Trump, and the Battle for American Democracy.
Stelter has had a front row seat to American history with his longtime focus on the role of the media and especially Fox News Channel and its owner, Rupert Murdoch. Stelter’s book also focuses like a laser on Tucker Carlson. We discuss the devolution of FNC from Bill O’Reilly to Carlson.
Also discussed are former fox stars like Geraldo Rivera and Kimberly Guilfoyle. Considered at further length are remaining Fox broadcasters, Judge Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity. We recall mid-November 2019 when he covered the host's cancellation on 710 KNUS.
Stelter is asked about his own hasty departure from CNN despite Reliable Sources being inexpensive to produce and solid in its ratings. Was it Colorado’s John Malone who wanted him gone? Stelter is a truth teller and he writes how Fox helped lead USA on its precarious course now.
Rudy Giuliani came out of the Fox News ecosystem and addressed Giuliani's DC defamation trial resulting in almost 150 million dollars in damages for plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. We discuss the obnoxious behavior of “America’s Mayor” which led to such a massive verdict.
2024 is nearly here and Stelter considers the campaign and whether Artificial Intelligence will help decide the outcome. Presumptive GOP nominee Trump is already cheating with deep fake NBC reporting by fake Garrett Haake.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders contributes "Simple Man" on a special occasion. Silverman (the birthday boy) may be the Simpleman, or is he just another guy? Don’t we all have the divine spark? We get to prove it one day at a time. Gunders again proves his musical greatness.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Episode 185 - Geert Wilders
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 19:47
"Song Of Columbus" by Dave Gunders - 35:22
Craig Introduces Geert Wilders at Western Conservative Summit - 41:07
Host has had encounters with many political leaders, including a memorable day with likely new Dutch prime minister, Geert Wilders. The controversial author of Marked for Death came to the Denver Hyatt Regency to speak at a gala on June 30, 2012. Host sat with Wilders for a meal and then both spoke.
Sometimes called the Dutch Donald Trump, the host offers a different take on the tall blonde man with the pompadour who is now a major force in European politics. Unlike Trump, Wilders is pro-choice and favors LGBTQ rights. He’s a staunch supporter of Israel. But Wilders is most known for his vocal opposition to Islam.
Hear Wilders speak just over a decade ago and judge for yourself. Is he capable of leading Europe or is he a hateful bigot as branded by his detractors? Find out what the host said introducing Wilders, as he expressed disappointment with President Obama’s handling of the Middle East and foreign policy.
This was when Mitt Romney warned about Russian threats and took a more aggressive stand against the Islamic Republic of Iran which backs Hamas and Hezbollah. Barack Hussein Obama was ideally situated to tell harsh truths to the Muslim world but he declined to do so.
Troubadour Dave Gunders and the host celebrate Hanukkah, discussing what this new Wilders’ election means in the world and whether he is a problem, or a solution. Is it bigotry to oppose a political ideology based on religious imperatives antithetical to democracy and freedom?
The world is on the threshold of big changes and the election of Geert Wilders is significant. If you want to understand modern Europe and political changes all around, listen to the words of Silverman and Wilders from the Western Conservative Summit held in 2012.
520 years prior, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 in hopes of discovering the new world and he did so. Masterful musician Dave Gunders wrote a tribute song titled Song of Columbus, which is gorgeous. Give it a listen and hear the back story.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Episode 184 - Rep. Ron Weinberg
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Rundown -
Rep. Ron Weinberg - 12:29
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:14:07
"Rather Be Right" by Dave Gunders - 01:26:17
Yaron (Ron) Weinberg is native South African, with an Israeli father, plays rugby, runs a technology business, wears three piece suits, represents Loveland and has the Jewish chutzpah to stand up to the awful Colorado State Rep. Elizabeth Epps when she made awful accusations against Israel.
Colorado’s GOP has a new sensation, as you will hear, in this interview with HD-51’s Colorado State Representative Ron Weinberg (R-Loveland). This newcomer brought Republicans and Democrats together to condemn outrageous behavior by the far Left.
Learn how this political newcomer Weinberg came to Loveland, Colorado seven years ago and decided he needed to get involved. He did not want to be chased away by crime and taxes as had happened in his native South Africa and subsequent home in LA, CA.
We discuss the Jewish diaspora in South Africa and that Weinberg’s Dad served in the IDF. Now an IT pro, who is raising two children with his wife in beautiful northern Colorado, Weinberg describes in detail the disruptive Special Session just concluded.
Certain Dems and especially Rep. Epps, chose to support disruption of the session with statements against Israel. Learn how the Dem leadership let Weinberg have his good chance to respond at the end of session to the incendiary and dangerous charges made by Rep. Epps.
Bipartisanship worked when supportive Dems and GOP colleagues when Epps heckled from the cheap seats. Hear it described for the first time. Weinberg is a leader to a new movement towards unity. He’s not tainted by historic bias and learned he’s got Dem friends.
Rep. Weinberg confirms he’s running for his first full term in HD51, following his vacancy appointment. Size him up as he discusses his background, values and legislative hopes. Learn about Weinberg’s negative encounters with Rep. Tim Hernandez.
Because media matters, George Brauchler interviewed Rep Weinberg a week ago and left some misimpressions, in hopes of sewing political discord. Some politicians seek to divide, but this is a come together moment. Brauchler wonders where are righteous Dems condemning anti-semites and we’ve got sound from Ron Weinberg.
We also have sound from US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer who spoke about the five-alarm fire all Jews feel in current circumstances. He calls out the Far Left, just like Dems in Colorado did in support of Rep. Weinberg.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders brings us his righteous island song called "Rather Be Right" which contemplates serious verbal disputes that can lead to rage. It's not always good to back down. Listen to conversation about Hamas violating Ceasefire without releasing all hostages. We consider Israel’s response.

Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Rundown -
Intro with Troubadour Dave Gunders - 00:36
"I Give Thanks" by Dave Gunders - 08:26
Ari Armstrong - 14:06
Public intellectual Ari Armstrong (from Ep 126) returns, having authored a fascinating book explaining his transition from Christianity to atheism. Rooted in personal experience, Armstrong suggests readers rely more on the natural than the supernatural.
Author of popular Substack, Colorado Pickaxe, Armstrong questions doctrines that guided his early life and that of many millions of fellow Americans. We discuss the bloodthirsty October 7 attack of Hamas on Israel and the hostage release just accomplished.
Colorado Pickaxe | Ari Armstrong | Substack
The Christian and Islamic underpinnings of anti-semitism are considered. Is it right or productive to believe in heaven and hell? And to believe each venue is eternal? Can faith be a negative force? Leading to negative feelings? Can it lead to MAGA?
Ari Armstrong favors people finding meaning through value-focused pursuits and loving relationships. Speaking primarily to young people and those questioning their faith, Armstrong brings a positive message that life can be better without the incoherence of supernaturalism. Check out his Self in Society substack too.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders brings great Thanksgiving music. His song, I Give Thanks, talks about the light that guides civilized societies to ring the bell of freedom. We give thanks for hostages released in Israel and hope for more. Happy Thanksgiving.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Rundown -
Bob Marshall - 32:07
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:44:45
"Let It Go Mama" by Dave Gunders - 01:52:46
Marine Lt. Col. (Retired) Bob Marshall returns to Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge for fourth time to discuss Colorado’s Special Session and to respond to this outrageous Twitter post by 710 KNUS radio host and wannabe Douglas County DA, George Brauchler.
Ex-DA Brauchler fails to disclose he was involved as DA when Marshall falsely charged and sucker punching Steve Peck treated leniently. Bob fought his charges and won. Whole story was told in the host's column long ago. So why is Brauchler doing this now?
We analyze the motivations and ambitions of this show’s former guest on Episode 63. We learn that Steve Peck, the man who sucker punched Bob Marshall and had to pay 25K, is now the Ultra MAGA Chair of the DougCo GOP. That’s a clue! We play sound of Brauchler through the years including humor at the expense of gays.
It is bigotry that’s bothersome and Brauchler’s failure to call out Trump for his “vermin” speech on Veterans Day is called out here. So is this Denver radio morning host’s failure to condemn the anti-semitism of Elon Musk, all for fear of alienating his electorate within the DougCo GOP and its leadership.
Capitulation amongst party elites and military men is how societies drift towards fascism. As Bob Marshall and host discuss, Trump is no longer disguising his desire for retribution. Failure of GOP attorneys and politicians to stand up for the Rule of Law against this MAGA onslaught is reviewed and condemned.
True facts of Peck assault on Marshall are here below on Episode 98 but Steve Peck won’t expose himself to any such questioning. Brauchler presented a little piece of the story to denigrate Douglas County’s only elected Democrat and to distort facts. That’s MAGA. Dems are considered fair targets of violence. That’s way wrong.
Qualities desirable in Douglas County’s first elected District Attorney discussed. Marshall is an Ivy League educated lawyer who represented the government well in complicated tax matters after serving the U.S. Marines in many war zones. Could Brauchler v Marshall DA’s race be brewing?
Bob Marshall shows off his legal acumen and legislative skills. He brings us up to speed on ways he’s held DCSD and even his own Democratic Party accountable under the law. Size up whether Bob should run for re-election to State House or run for US Congress in CD4. Marshall’s been approached about all those jobs, but it is DA’s race that is most intriguing.
Bob Marshall explains what went wrong with prop HH and what to expect from the Special Session. He reviews all the bad things DougCo GOP has done in the community, including at Pride events. Close connections of Brauchler to Joe Oltmann reviewed.
Entire Brauchler softball interview of Steve Peck played and preserved at end of show. Listen as Brauchler rolls over as Peck extols virtues of Moms for Liberty, Jim Jordan, Trump and January 6 participants. Hear Peck say Ukraine war illegitimate(?) with no pushback from Brauchler.
Rep. Bob Marshall knows and loves Douglas County. Quick on his feet, Marshall struck back at Peck fast after being sucker punched. In the end, the truth prevailed. Let’s hear Brauchler put on Peck but of course, he won’t and this show calls out that kind of MAGA disinformation and propaganda.
Capitulation of Brauchler to MAGA and DougCo Republicans documented. Discussed is his constant harangue on Colorado’s Jewish elected officials to publish a denunciation of Hamas. As if Jews had to make such a declaration! Apparently so for Brauchler who willingly collaborates with MAGA-GOQP fascists.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders urges calm with his song, Let it Go Mama, from his Connected album. Some things should be let go like the host's termination from KNUS four years ago so this podcast lets it all out, in hopes of letting go.
But what if threats continue? Wise elder Dave Gunders agrees that we cannot let our guard down against MAGA or evil forces that would destroy our freedoms and democracy. Happy balance must be found.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Episode 181 - Tom Arnold
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Rundown -
Tom Arnold - 08:26
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:36:46
"Hole in the Head" by Dave Gunders - 01:41:47
Hollywood celebrity, podcaster (Divorce Party) and legendary comedian, Tom Arnold, talks candidly with Craig about his many Colorado connections. Jokes are told about Nuggets v Lakers with fun discussions of politicians, comedy clubs, movie stars, charitable galas and sports celebrities.
Here are some bold name people that come up: Shaq, Kobe, Vic Lombardi, Coach Michael Malone (Lakers’ Daddy), Marilyn Van Derbur Atler, Mchael Strahan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, James Cameron, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Don Rickles, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Berg, Kevin McCarthy, Michael Cohen, Jerry Fallwell Jr., Marvin Davis, Barbara Davis, George McKelvy, etc.
Hear Tom Arnold evaluate the performance of President Joe Biden and his view of proper USA reaction to wars in Ukraine and Israel.
A proud Jew, Tom Arnold explains his roots, clearing up any misconception he converted to Judaism to marry Roseanne. Tom Arnold gained fame in comedy clubs, including Denver and then as a comedy writer for Roseanne and others. He passionately responds to the failure of the Hollywood Writers Guild to compose a condemnation of Hamas.
Roseanne Barr, formerly Roseanne Arnold, is back in the news and spewing pro-MAGA conspiracy theories. Tom Arnold has us consider his ex-wife’s conduct now by pointing to certain events way back when. It’s somewhat shocking Barr would be a big backer of Trump and MAGA given what Arnold witnessed and describes.
Tom Arnold has known Donald Trump for over four decades. He and Roseanne headlined for him at his Atlantic City hotel. Tom Arnold perceived harsh truths about Trump long before others perceived it. Trump took him to the LA Playboy Mansion to show off his girlfriend. And they all posed – plus Melania and Ivanka. Arnold describes the scene.
Tom Arnold knows damaging truths about Trump and what he wants to do to destroy American democracy. Tom Arnold spent time at the Four Seasons in Moscow, across from the Kremlin making a movie. Tom Arnold describes his informed perception of Putin and Trump dynamics and communications.
In honor of Tom Arnold and his tempestuous relationship with Roseanne and other wives. Show Troubadour Dave Gunders provides “Hole in the Head,” a tragic-comic song about an awful relationship. Colorado responses to the Hamas attack and Kristallnacht 85 years ago reviewed.