Craig Silverman is an active Colorado trial lawyer at Craig Silverman Law, LLC. Craig served for sixteen years at the Denver District Attorney‘s Office where he was a Chief Deputy District Attorney. Craig has appeared hundreds of times on local and national media. Subjects have included the death penalty, serial rapists, the JonBenet Ramsey case, Columbine, the Oklahoma City Bombing trials, the Kobe Bryant case and the Aurora movie theater massacre. Craig is the host of The Craig Silverman Show which airs Saturday mornings at 9am Colorado time.

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Episode 160 - Dick Wadhams
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Rundown -
Dick Wadhams - 12:06
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:56:18
"All That Water" by Dave Gunders - 02:01:40
The most accomplished Colorado Republican strategist in modern times is Dick Wadhams and he comes clean about everything right here. Born and raised on a farm in Las Animas, CO, he’s been a lifelong Republican. As CO GOP party chair, he won elections, and gained funding from Phil Anschutz among many others.
But now, this former GOP state Chair Wadhams feels shut out as MAGA moves in. Great Republicans of Colorado’s past are discussed, as is their silence now in wake of MAGA threat to the Republican Party and to America. Wadhams is the rare Republican willing to stand up on air to this MAGA menace.
Wadhams was a powerhouse behind the throne for Governor Bill Owens, Senator Wayne Allard, Senator Bill Armstrong, Senator John Thune (who toppled Tom Daschle and may become GOP’s Senate Leader), Senator George Allen, Senator Conrad Burns and others.
Find out how it all started for this Colorado boy. Analyzed is almost every major politician in Colorado including Senators Hickenlooper, Bennet, and Governor Polis. Dems and GOP once got along. Those days are gone and the reasons why are explored.
Changing faces of the media, especially here in Colorado, are reviewed. Special shout outs go to Shaun Boyd and Anne Trujillo from Dick Wadhams who works for Channel Four as their GOP political analyst. We also discuss radio and the decline that has accompanied the rise of MAGA.
Dick Wadhams is a columnist for the Gazette and a certified news junkie. He shows his class as he decries the broadcasters who talk about a “Biden Crime Family.” Wadhams is not OK with name calling, disinformation, and propaganda. He likes to win based on policy.
We discuss the GOP presidential field and sudden courage of star witness Mike Pence. We also discuss Ron DeSantis and whether there were benefits to slavery. Spoiler alert: answer is no. Tim Scott has Colorado connections. But there is no real GOP race. And the host predicts no real debates.
Trump is a criminal defendant now. In a passionate start to the show, the host explains what happens now that Trump has gone near the line by posting “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” Great advice dispensed in the opening monologue to Judge Tanya Chutkan, presiding over USA v Trump.
Wadhams is passionate regarding Jan 6 and the need for 45 to be prosecuted. Jack Smith’s bona fides as prosecutor discussed. Smith obtained a rare NY death penalty. So did the host on a Denver case. Normally, the GOP would love a law and order guy like Jack Smith but those days are gone.
MAGA is ruining Colorado GOP with staff not being paid yet. 50K went to Conspirator #2 John Eastman and RNC Committeeman Randy Corporon for futile lawsuit with budget for 250K. Wow! Wadhams reacts. State GOP being asked to approve Stalinist measure.
Harsh names are flying which is only appropriate since the GOP elected as chairman a man who wants to be known as Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams. Wadhams dislikes Williams and explains his many reasons why. We talk about all the ways Trump’s Big Lie flowed out of Colorado.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders delivers wonderfully once again with his song, "All that Water," which can be a metaphor for all the legal cases and charges now flooding America’s 45th president and accomplished serial interstate criminal, Mr. Trump.

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Episode 159 - Alan Prendergast - Author of Gangbuster
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 05:52
"World Gone Crazy" by Dave Gunders - 19:22
Alan Prendergast Part 1 - 25:13
Fake Friday morning co-hosting with Peter Boyles - 01:46:03
Randy Corporon interviews Steve Deace on Brauchler Show - 02:47:31
Alan Prendergast Part 2 - 02:59:59
Denver DA Philip Van Cise was a great man for his times. He stood up to organized crime in Denver when host’s grandfather Harry Silverman was trying to practice law downtown. Van Cise also fought the KKK. The stories of those epic fights are told masterfully in the book, Gangbuster, by Alan Prendergast.
Prendergast is an award-winning Colorado writing legend, renowned for his coverage of JonBenet, Columbine, and almost every major crime drama in modern Colorado history. A Denver native, and graduate of Denver East High (like his protagonist, Phil Van Cise), Alan Prendergast makes the turn of the last century Denver come alive.
A CU Buff, Phil Van Cise got his undergraduate (1907) and law degree (1909) up in Boulder, where his father was an instructor, and also a Colorado attorney. The Ludlow Massacre of 1914 shaped Captain Van Cise. Rising to rank of colonel, Denver’s future DA further served as a US Army intelligence officer in WWI.
Van Cise also experienced the violent Denver Tramway Streetcar strike of 1920. He knew Denver was becoming a crime rich environment and he decided to make a longshot run for Denver DA to try to stop it. Success followed success, but it was against all odds. Colonel Van Cise changed Denver forever. And for the better.
Alan Prendergast is a brilliant storyteller, and instructs undergraduates at Colorado College, teaching Journalism at his alma mater. Once you buy Prendergast’s historically accurate page-turner, you’ll want to go visit amazing Denver sites where the action all happened like 16th Street, the Auditorium Arena, and the West Side Court Building at Speer and Colfax.
Denver needed a hero in 1920 when her cops were crooked and bigotries ran wild. Denver was renowned as a town where almost anything went, so long as Lou Blonger, the top organized crime boss, approved, and got his cut. Aside and apart were the bigots who brought the KKK around the USA and found a great Denver asset in Dr. John Galen Locke.
Blonger and Locke are formidable but as we know, because Denver went on to prosper, Van Cise brought both of these authoritarian crime bosses to justice. America can learn a lot by studying how Colorado and Van Cise fought back one hundred years ago against authoritarianism and nationalism.
Gangbuster: One Man’s Battle Against Crime, Corruption, and the Klan is a Best Book for 2023. It's highly entertaining. It’s educational and full of suspense. We learn the way for civilized societies to fight back when democracy is threatened by White Christian Nationalists and criminal types. Buy Gangbuster here.
We need Jack Smith to succeed like Colonel Phil Van Cise. Both have the courage of their convictions, and allegiance to the rule of law. Van Cise served one of the most crime busting single terms in the rich history of the Denver District Attorney’s Office. That's where the show host worked 1980 - 1996, including with Assistant DA O. Otto Moore, who worked 1921 - 1925 with Denver DA Van Cise.
Prendergast and host reminisce about many Colorado cases including JonBenet. Prendergast rips former Boulder DA Mary Lacy for her fake exoneration of Ramseys. The DNA is a false clue, proclaims Prendergast. Also discussed is disgraced Ramsey lawyer Lin (MAGA) Wood, and Peter Boyles who made a big name covering JonBenet and birtherism on Denver radio.
Birtherism propelled Trump to be GOP nominee and then President in 2016. Trump lost in 2020, but as chronicled on past episodes of this podcast, 45’s #BigLie grew out of Colorado. Joe Oltmann appeared with Boyles on 710 KNUS and Jenna Ellis appeared on Dan Caplis on 630 KHOW to cry Stop the Steal. Now, Jack Smith and other lawyers are making things clear.
Boyles and Silverman used to do Friday mornings together on KHOW and KNUS. On this podcast, they once again share an hour discussing current events in Colorado and elsewhere. Boyles also hosts GOP stalwart Dick Wadhams and discussed are Jack Smith closing in on 45, and whether Rudy G will flip.
Boyles highlights apparent MAGA defection by broadcaster Steve Deace, an Iowa White Christian Nationalist, but is contradicted by contention Rudy not about to rat on Trump, and that Deace defection to DeSantis is only mildly interesting.
By his own current admission, Boyles, age 80, agrees to be muzzled from discussing Big Lie since 710 KNUS and Salem are being sued. Even though Boyles can’t talk about Corporon, there are no such limitations here as we explain the Corporon/GOP/Kraken/Oltmann/Trump/Salem/MAGA/Boyles entanglements.
World Gone Crazy is a hit single by our Troubadour Dave Gunders. Talk radio has become a hateful cesspool in the age of Trump and this show considers Denver’s contributions in that regard. VanCise kept speaking out long after he left the DA’s Office. So will we.
Army Colonel Philip Van Cise was a great Denver attorney. He had great integrity and honor. Episode 159 salutes Col. Phil Van Cise and this wonderful book, Gangbuster, about his amazing life. Author Alan Prendergast has penned a true Colorado classic, and easily one of the best books of 2023.

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Episode 158 - Bradley Onishi
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 06:20
"Hard of Understanding" by Dave Gunders - 21:38
Bradley Onishi - 29:40
Brad Onishi is a social commentator, scholar, writer, teacher, coach and co-host of the Straight White American Jesus (SWAJ) podcast. Raised in Orange County and deciding to commit himself to Jesus and the local evangelical church as an eighth grader, he ended up in their clergy.
Onishi became Oxford educated and saw things differently. As neither fully white nor originally Christian, Onishi appreciated the otherness that Christian nationalists would just as soon not put on their same upper level. Power corrupts and White people now feel threatened.
White people have rebelled against racial integration since the 1960’s and much of the Republican resistance was centered in Orange County, CA, where Nixon and Reagan lived. Republicans made a fateful choice when they chose Goldwater in 1964. A new "extremist" GOP emerged.
In Preparing for War – The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism and What Comes Next, Onishi provides evidence backed insight about America’s long road to Christian nationalist violence on Jan. 6, and what happens next.
Learn about Onishi’s upbringing, and the reasons Orange County became an epicenter for white grievance church going. New territory with many transplants and not yet home to Catholics, Jews or others, Onishi explains the attraction of patriotic Christianity wrapped in an USA flag.
Reviewed is the rise of the Klu Klux Klan from 100 years ago in Anaheim and cities in Colorado, as well as Klan-like modern MAGA reincarnations. Racism is at the heart of Onishi’s argument against MAGA. Evangelicals and too many Catholics stick with Trump as their leader.
As a youth minister and student before that, Onishi was fed a constant diet of Mel Gibson in Braveheart. The violence defending one’s people was revered at his Orange County church. Back in 1964, Orange County loved Barry Goldwater.
In 1980, many religious Christian voters preferred divorced actor Ronald Reagan to pious military veteran Jimmy Carter. Nowadays, many Christians prefer Trump to Biden, the committed Catholic.
Onishi argues that the evangelical anti-abortion position was developed to gain power joining forces with fundamentalist Catholics. The power to keep white Christians on top in America was the true motivation.
Discussed is modern media and Salem Media in particular. Salem’s game plan is not just to save souls for Jesus, but to get MAGA policies into law ASAP. We discuss Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager.
#DenverTrumpRadio hosts are also described for their faux religiosity and willingness to tout racist lies about birtherism and rigged elections in cities with large African-American voting populaces.
The United States is becoming the Divided States of America and the show contemplates how far and low it can go and how to battle back. Listen to Brad Onishi and you’ll want more at his website.
We always want more from Troubadour Dave Gunders who kicks off the show with a great discussion of Jason Aldean’s controversial music video, Try That in a Small Town. Is it good old boy entertainment or something worse? And if so, so what?
Hard of Understanding is a better song than Aldean's, composed and performed by Dave Gunders and would be a perfect project for a music video retort. Fellas respond to Jack Smith looming indictment number two and Judge Cannon’s mid-May trial setting.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 03:33
"Love Has a Way (song for Deb)" by Dave Gunders - 17:06
Rep. Bob Marshall in Craig's Lawyers' Lounge - 23:28
John Jackson - 01:17:11
Rep. Bob Marshall (HD43) makes his triumphant return to Craig’s Lawyers’ Lounge to explain his experience as a first-term legislator. Two of his military benefits bills got through, including one that veteran legislators thought had no chance, both funding worthy programs helping military veterans.
This Marine went to Ukraine on his own once Putin started his disgusting attack, as chronicled in Episodes 99 & 122. Douglas County Republicans continue to attack Bob Marshall but that is to be expected given its domination by MAGA men, like the man who attacked Marshall in 2020.
Now in July 2023, Bob Marshall and Rep. Elizabeth Epps are suing their own Democratic legislative caucus for violating state sunshine laws. Bob Marshall explains why he’s doing it and the repercussions. Bob Marshall does not put up with impropriety and end runs on transparency.
Marshall knows tax law and weighs in on the dispute about funding the IRS. The Hunter Biden tax plea deal is also reviewed. So is the performance of President Joe Biden. Marshall also knows the ability of other lawyers to delay and we discuss some of the Trump litigation. But Bob Marshall is focused on helping his constituents and Colorado.
John Jackson is a remarkable Colorado middle-aged professional who has made the move to Ukraine to help fight off Putin’s invasion. A member now of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, @hissgoescobra explains the genesis of his love of freedom. An American raised in Atlanta, and the heart of America’s civil rights movement, Jackson is drawn to Ukraine.
Jackson knows his history and he’s trying to let the world know the truth on the ground. Trump’s unpunished Ukrainian Shakedown led inexorably to the further escalation of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Jackson’s love of freedom led him to join forces with Ukraine to help them beat kleptocracy.
NATO is strong but Putin is not yet deterred. Ukrainian men, women, and children are being killed by Russian bombardment. Russian war crimes are commonplace. The signs of destruction are everywhere. But life goes on in Ukraine. Jackson brings the story to life with a fresh report from Kiev, and his recent time spent in Kherson.
This is an information war, and Jackson does his best on this podcast to counteract Kremlin-generated disinformation. Jackson also is a weapons expert willing to fight in combat for freedom. Jackson passionately pleads for Ukrainian reinforcements from freedom loving people and countries.
John Jackson was a Colorado Republican, and voted for Trump, before correctly perceiving that Trump’s not good for freedom. For America. Or Ukraine. A Trump win means a Ukraine loss of epic proportions. Republicans have changed completely since Ronald Reagan days when Russian bullies were called out.
Thank goodness for Joe Biden and most Americans, including many Republicans, standing by Ukraine in its hours of need. The USA should always be a beacon of freedom. But Trump wants to impose a kleptocracy similar to that being run by his best pals on the international leadership stage. John Jackson won’t let it happen without taking action.
Volodomor Zelenskyy is the leader that John Jackson praises here, recounting stories of his legendary gas station visits. Ukraine’s Jewish leader seems fearless, and Jackson worries about his safety. So does everybody favoring freedom on planet. Putin's a proven monster now. Yet pols like MTG support Russia.
Show Troubadour Dave Gunders believes in the power of music in the time of conflict. Love Has a Way is his beautiful and powerful reminder of what human beings can achieve when severely tested, even by the shadow of death, as Ukraine is experiencing now.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Episode 156 - The Roger Stone Interview - Insurrection
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Rundown -
Craig reflects on his interview with Roger Stone - 27:18
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:24:55
"If God Was Watching" by Dave Gunders - 01:35:36
If Jack Smith could extract the full truth from Roger Stone, we might put to bed this MAGA-mess. Knee deep in all things Trump, Roger Stone started working for Nixon and graduated to Ronald Reagan. It was the Reagan campaign when Stone met Trump through attorney Roy Cohn.
In a lengthy interview here, Roger Stone recounts how he met Trump and became his biggest booster. When asked about Roy Cohn and how to learn more about that infamous attorney, Stone recommends we watch Citizen Cohn.
This episode occurs at a critical moment in history. Right now, the oft-pardoned Roger Stone appears to have been knee-deep in the planning with Oath Keepers and Proud Boys for the January 6 MAGA insurrection at our nation’s Capital. HQ was the Willard Hotel.
Prior shows have covered connections to the Willard Hotel command center including the reported presence of numerous members of the conspiracy, some with Colorado connections like Eastman and Oltmann.
Back on New Years Eve of 2015, Roger Stone was looking to sell his book, The Clintons' War on Women, and agreed to come on radio with me for over an hour. That sound was preserved and has amazing relevance today.
Almost immediately, Roger Stone is confronted by the host after Stone claimed that he had a falling out with candidate Trump which led to his removal from the 2016 campaign. In truth, it now appears Stone was working foreign backed channels.
Roger Stone was a longtime partner of Paul Manafort who came forward, after long working for Putin and his pals, to be Trump’s campaign manager in 2016. Those like Trump who deny Russia helped him win in 2016 are not being truthful.
Roger Stone tells plenty of lies in this revealing interview which specifically addresses whether Trump will end women’s reproductive rights. Stone was then a bigwig with Republicans for Choice. But now, as of 2020, Stone claims to be a born again Christian.
Have you heard the story of Roger Stone’s conversion from being a lapsed Catholic to a committed evangelical pro-life person? We’ve got the sound and you should get ready with a healthy dose of skepticism.
This interview of Roger Stone focuses on Colorado issues, particularly the legalization of cannabis. Back in the day, Roger Stone was an advocate for legalized cannabis and he predicted the path his pal Trump would take.
But the KEY passage of the entire podcast is Roger Stone’s admission he and Trump were not just part of an historical political movement, they were intending an insurrection. Yes, Roger Stone, of his own volition, volunteers that an insurrection would occur.
Troubadour Dave Gunders keeps favoring our show with hits from his new album titled, Connected. His superb and biting song named, If G-d was Watching, is filled with haunting lyrics apropos of con man, MAGA-man, Roger Stone and his pal Donald Trump.

Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Episode 155 - Bob Zeidman
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Rundown -
Bob Zeidman - 15:44
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:52:30
"Eddie Don't Quit" by Dave Gunders - 02:02:11
Perhaps you’ve heard of the man who successfully claimed Mike Lindell’s five million dollar offer to prove him wrong regarding 2020 election rigging. That man is Robert Zeidman and here’s a chance to get to know the rest of the story.
Robert Zeidman is a fascinating man. He got to Silicon Valley in the early days via Stanford. Bob Zeidman wrote the seminal book on software sleuthing titled, The Software IP Detective’s Handbook.
Bob’s an expert witness who makes money telling truths in written reports, and under oath. Bob Zeidman is a frequently retained and highly compensated expert witness. When Lindell announced the five million dollar challenge to Prove Mike Wrong, the My Pillow Guy sought to limit the crowd of contestants to Trump sympathizers.
Bob Zeidman has been a stalwart Republican even while living four decades in Silicon Valley and nearby San Francisco. Find out how Zeidman became an expert witness when the Winklevoss brothers sued Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Eventually, urban decay and overtaxation drove the Zeidmans to Summerlin, Nevada.
Zeidman is a brilliant writer as he’s proved many times in different publications. When Zeidman took down and exposed Lindell, he authored a brilliant Politico piece named: How I Won $5 Million From the MyPillow Guy and Saved Democracy.
Zeidman has been on a political journey which has landed now on No Labels and we discuss Kyle Clark’s brilliant takedown of that group and its leader. But anything is better than backing Trump and Zeidman assures he will never make that mistake again.
As you size up Bob Zeidman, expect to like this gutsy and successful businessman with the courage to call out mullarkey. Zeidman has correctly sized up Mike Lindell after studying the man who now owes him $5,000,000.00. That’s a lot of pillows.
This story takes time - more than that allowed at CNN. We take the time in this enjoyable discussion with a news making computer expert. Zeidman has a good time in this, the area of his expertise. Bob is a fine Philly product of Morris (Moish) & Ruth.
We discuss the religious component of Mike Lindell’s backing of Trump’s Big Lie. Is democracy imperiled and did Bob Zeidman help save us? What are the implications to be drawn from Zeidman undressing Lindell’s Big Lie. This is great food for thought.
Our Troubadour Dave Gunders brings back his hit, Eddie Don’t Quit, dedicated this episode to Putin/Trump types everywhere. We talk about Roger Stone and all the Trump accomplices about to go down. Recent Supreme Court rulings decried, but this will lead to lots of legal work.

Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Episode 154 - Jim Benemann
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Rundown -
Jim Benemann - 12:00
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:28:00
"Little Hummingbird" by Dave Gunders - 01:54:27
Denver’s revered newsman joins the podcast shortly after his celebrated retirement as nightly news anchor at KCNC Channel Four. Jim Benemann did his job superbly for many decades and has a loving family.
Learn about how this Chicago kid came to Colorado State in 1974 and fell in love with the Centennial State. Benemann has moved to Eagle, Colorado. Find out why. He’s still a lively outspoken presence on Twitter.
The livability of Denver back in the day, and now, is reviewed. Metro Denver’s high cost of living and the attractiveness of our region has created major changes. Crime and guns, and the fetishization of weapons of war in our communities gets reviewed.
Jim Benemann was assigned long ago to Washington DC where he met luminaries like Senators Barry Goldwater and Sam Nunn. Learn what the GOP’s 1964 nominee was like in person. Jim Benemann witnessed the rise and fall and recoveries of respected Senator Gary Hart too.
Reviewed and honored is the living legacy of still living former president Jimmy Carter. Part of that includes Habitats for Humanity, and Jim Benemann is a big time volunteer and advocate for this longstanding and wonderful charitable program.
Contrast with the grifting in the MAGA GOP world where the ethical improprieties of conservative US Supreme Court Justices Thomas/Alito puts American rule of law at increasing risk. Benemann makes great analogies to attempted payola at TV stations that management wisely ended.
Lauren Boebert family crime dramas had news directors and local editors walking on eggs. Learn how local news covers (or pulls its punches) covering GOP-MAGA misconduct in an age where many members of the audience revere the defeated former president.
The advisability of staying on Twitter gets reviewed. So does the proposed UFC cage match between Musk and Zuckerberg. Host puts odds at 5/2 in favor of the younger, better trained man. Learn much more about Jim Benemann’s politics than you ever have before.
Talk gets even more spicy as conversation turns to sports. Benemann is an avid golfer but is fed up with the LIV/MBS/MAGA takeover of pro golf and says he won’t watch their tournaments any more. But he will keep on playing. Benemann has called a timeout on his hockey playing. Find out why.
As for baseball, disgust is displayed towards the Rockies’ ownership and there is major advocacy for a sale of the MLB team to occur. Avs are in good shape but it is sad that Landeskog is out like Benemann. Our Nuggets are set, and victory further celebrated.
Troubadour Dave Gunders celebrates the arrival of summer with his new album named Connections, and his fast sweet colorful song titled Little Hummingbird, in which the migrating bird is asked to bring messages of love and peace. Is that just fiction? Hope not.
Esperance is what this summer of consequences holds – hopes realized. Putin and Trump face friction in their own radical factions. Bad guys fighting everywhere. Musk v Zuck. MTG v BoBo. Meanwhile, #DenverTrumpRadio turns blind eye.
Caplis turns his show over to unapologetic KBB day after she makes a partisan fool of herself.
RMGO embraced on Caplis show, slamming Steve Reams for being too lib on guns and RFL?!?. Brauchler did weakest interview ever w/ BoBo. Boyles keeps capitulating, and muzzling himself, so he can sell big guns.
We talk about current events including Jack Smith about to further lower the boom on America’s defeated, twice-impeached, twice-indicted former president. Adam Schiff is saluted as an American hero. Esperance means hopeful feelings that truth and justice will prevail. Enjoy.

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Episode 153 - Rhonda Fields
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Rundown -
Rhonda Fields - 16:59
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:16:35
"Set the Tone" by Dave Gunders - 01:35:46
The Denver Nuggets won it all, but Denver’s victory celebrations were marred by gun violence. On Denver metro roads, people are being shot in incidents involving road rage. Too many guns are killing America and Colorado.
Colorado State Senator Rhonda Fields has accomplished many great things in her rise through the legislature. Rhonda turned to politics after suffering the shooting murder of her son Javad and his fiancee on June 20, 2005. Rhonda responded to tragedy with loving commitment to service.
President Joe Biden gave a brilliant speech in Connecticut to a crowd full of gun violence victims. Widely mocked by the right for his senior moments, Biden was compelling on Friday laying out his agenda to fight gun violence. We’ve got the sound.
Host has been Rhonda Fields’ attorney and friend through the decades. Javad was killed because he witnessed a murder, something which could happen to any of us. Rhonda understands criminal justice system and its positive contributions, and limitations.
Senator Fields discusses the need for an assault weapon ban and a tougher law enforcement “zero tolerance for gun crimes” policy in Denver and Aurora. Why not Rhonda Fields for mayor of Aurora now that she’s term-limited?
Rhonda knows Denver mayor-elect Mike Johnston and believes he’ll do great things. Courtney Johnston, Denver’s new First Lady, was one of the prosecutors assigned the case where Rhonda Fields was threatened by an agitated gun owner.
Gun culture needs to be addressed. How can it be that Ja Morant is suspended 25 games for pic with gun and Lauren Boebert wins re-election after she puts long guns in hands of her four young (and troubled) sons around the family Christmas tree?
Why is it that the man who threatened Rhonda Fields was treated with leniency by the criminal justice system and the Tweeting threat-maker against Lauren Boebert went to prison?
The civil justice system has its rightful place, as we proved when the threat-maker against Rhonda Fields was made to pay a substantial sum to charity and take steps to rehabilitate himself.
We discuss Rhonda Fields’ friend, Denver DA Beth McCann, who takes a more progressive approach to sentencing teenagers committing gun crimes. When Javad and Vivian were murdered, the Arapahoe County DA sought and obtained the death penalty. But times change. Capital punishment is dead in Colorado.
Rhonda Fields is an alive and upbeat person, even though her Aurora home got shot up this last February. Rhonda Fields works to help others. And she’s willing to fight the gun industry. Senator Fields is also an opponent of Trumpism, as you will hear.
Dave Gunders provides his hit single, Set The Tone, from his Troubadour album. The fellas salute Pride month, Juneteenth, the late Daniel Ellsberg, and the Denver Nuggets. Overcoming bad judges like Judge Cannon discussed. It can be done. Host explains how.
The Craig Silverman Show - Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. Colorado time

Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Episode 152 - Conor McCormick-Cavanagh - Let’s go Nuggets! Let’s go Jack Smith!!
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Rundown -
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 10:49
"Train Keeps Coming" by Dave Gunders - 38:26
Conor McCormick-Cavanagh - 44:26
We review the best victory in Denver Nuggets history. Oh my. AG!! Jamal! Bruce! Nikola! Christian. KCP. Love to MPJ too.
Fantastic week reviewed, with Denver Nuggets in NBA Finals, and Trump prosecuted by Jack Smith. Consequential events in Miami are celebrated. Up to speed show discusses gritty Game Four 108-95 victory, and the dim future facing MAGA and its grotesque criminal leader.
Conor McCormick-Cavanagh had a great five year run as author at Westword in Denver, but his heart is in New York and with their legendary sports teams. Knicks and Nuggets connections discussed including, of course, Carmelo Anthony.
Nuggets greats Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray saluted. So is Rocky the Mountain Lion with Conor breaking the big story that the original Rocky is back for the NBA Finals. Find out how Conor got his scoop. https://www.westword.com/news/denver-nuggets-original-rocky-mascot-nba-finals-16974883
Mike Johnston just became Denver’s 46th mayor and Conor saw it coming. Find out why as he describes his journey through covering Denver at Westword. This show is a perfect blend of sports, politics and pop culture. We root for Nuggets and justice. We root for Denver and Mike Johnston.
Troubadour Dave Gunders brings his brand new hit called “Train Keeps Coming” which leads to great discussion of powerful trains coming to abrupt halts, as we hope happens with Trump Train. Let’s hope nothing can stop our Denver Nuggets now. Let’s go Nuggets! Let’s go Jack Smith!!

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Episode 151 - Bill Walton (Nuggets NBA Finals Special)
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Rundown -
Bill Walton - 05:49
Troubadour Dave Gunders - 01:27:44
"The Rebound" by Dave Gunders - 01:49:27
Legendary Hall of Fame hoopster, broadcaster, and author Bill Walton joins the show as Nuggets - Heat take center stage in the NBA Finals. Easy Game One victory for Nuggets, led by their superstars Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray.
Walton authored Back from the Dead, his outstanding memoir chronicling the way he overcame pain. Bill Walton has special affection for players like Jamal Murray (knee), MPJ (spine), and Jeff Green (heart) for overcoming health challenges.
Learn about the critical moments along the way in 1977 when Walton’s Trailblazers won the NBA, and the Big Redhead was MVP and Finals MVP. They broke Denver hearts along the way. Walton was Sixth Man of the Year (85-86) as he helped Larry Bird and Boston win the championship.
Craig and Bill discuss this most exciting and consequential week in Colorado basketball history and Bill's connection to the Denver Nuggets. They talk about Bill's love of Colorado and the many ways he fantasizes and experiences the Centennial State.
Walton well knows Neon Deion Sanders from professional work together. Find out why Walton thinks CU made a great move hiring Sanders. CU-Boulder’s new head football coach is an exemplary leader and a welcome addition to Walton’s Pac-12 - the Conference of Champions.
Listen as Bill Walton drops names of prominent Nuggets past and present. Bill Walton loves and respects Spencer Haywood, and Ralph Simpson, from back in Denver Rockets days. He competed against David Thompson in college and pros. Dan Issel gave Bill fits. But the Blazers destroyed Denver’s title dreams in 1977.
Great debate about competitiveness of the Heat-Nuggets series emerges. Bill Walton knows and respects Pat Riley from his days in San Diego. We talk about whether a good big man can still dominate, as in Nikola Jokic.
The Big Redhead waxes poetic describing the combination of natural forces which produced something so fantastic as the Big Honey (Jokic), Denver’s double MVP. Bill Walton explains how Steve Nash got screwed out of his third straight MVP which is rarified air befitting his pal Larry Bird.
When the subject turns to race, Walton, now age 70, has sage advice. Ignore it just like Nikola Jokic has. Walton recommends books, including Spencer Haywood: The Rise, the Fall, the Recovery and Loud Hawk: The United States vs. The American Indian Movement. We discuss Kareem too.
Find out what an eloquent, charming, and wise man Bill Walton is in this special NBA Finals edition. The show is also on video so you can check it out that way on YouTube. Rarely will you see grown men smiling so much. It’s not everyday that such a legendary guest appears.
Troubadour Dave Gunders and his music appear in every episode. This week, catch Dave on video and hear his fine song, The Rebound. The sad Cleveland family of Denver shooting victim Shmuel Silverberg is remembered with this sad song as his murderer received 65 years, as we discuss. We want good things for Denver. Like the Nuggets winning their first NBA crown.